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  help: The general one. to supply whatever someone needs or do whatever might be useful to him.

  assist: To co-operate with sb not taking an important part.

  He assisted the doctor in the operation.

  aid: (not followed infinitive) To help sb who is weak or is in

  trouble who wanted very much by adding your work to his in order to do something.

  The Red Cross often aids flood victims.


  get: The most general one.

  obtain: (fml)It stresses the seeking out of something.

  gain: to get gradually.

  It indicates greater effort in the seeking process, forceful


  He gained the prize because of his good work.

  acquire: To get for oneself by one"s own work, skill action piece by piece little by little.

  He acquired good knowledge of English by hard work.

  attain: To manage to achieve, to succeed in arriving at.

  He attained the position of minister.

  procure: It implies maneuvering to process something and suggests involved,

  contrived or even shady (unjust) dealings.


  present: It shows a friendly and respectful attitude usu substantial things.

  gift: It shows something which is given voluntarily given without

  expectation of return or compensation.


  silly: Foolish or childish

  a silly boy/story/fellow/question/mistake, silly remarks.

  foolish: Very silly or unwise

  a foolish act/child/old man, foolish people.

  stupid: Showing lack of good judgment or intelligence and not at all


  a stupid idea/mistake/person/act.


  zone: A particular part of something or a particular place.

  area: A small or large part not thought of a fixed land division.

  A playground is an outside area.

  region: Usually part of a country usually large may or may not

  be thought of as fixed land division.

  A desert is a barren region.

  district: A fixed land division usually smaller than region.

  We live in Hongkou District of Shanghai.

  49.会议 集会

  meeting: The most general one. any gathering of several or many people in one place at a certain time. A meeting can be large or small, long or shirt. It is usually planned ahead of time.

  (年会) convention: An annual meeting of an organization or political group.

  (讨论会) conference: A meeting at which two or more people have an formal discussion and exchange views on a subject.

  (代表大会) congress: A formal meeting of representatives of societies or countries to exchange information and opinion.

  (集会) assembly: A group of people who have gathered together for a meeting for the purpose of being informed, being entertained or making group decisions.

  (协商会) council: A meeting of a small group of people chosen from a large group to serve as advisers or consultants.


  achievement: Something which one succeed in doing esp. after a lot of effort usually dangerous or difficult.

  The first space flight was a great achievement.

  accomplishment: The skill that people have required. It is something that took knowledge and, usually, hard work. When you have solved a hard arithmetic problem or learned to figure out, you can be proud of your accomplishment.

  Among his many accomplishments is the ability to play card tricks.

  feat: It requires more courage and strength. It applies to mental acts as well physical acts.

  Learning a new skill is a feat.

  exploit: An accomplishment that requires even greater daring and heroism than a feat.

  Old stories tell about the exploits of famous heroes.

