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  increase: To make or become larger in amount or number.

  it refers to quantity or intensity as well as size.

  The population of this county has increased.

  add: To put together with something else so as to increase the

  number size, importance.

  He added some wood to increase the fire.

  (扩大) enlarge: To grown larger or wider.

  I want to enlarge this photograph/house.

  (放大) magnify: To make something appear larger than in reality, esp. by means of a lens.

  You have magnified the peril.

  (扩充) amplify: To make large or fuller, esp. give fuller information, more details etc.

  to amplify a radio signal/sound.

  augment: (fml) To become larger or greater.

  It emphasizes the action of addition.

  He augmented his income by writing some short stories.

  (扩展 扩张) expand: To increase in range scope or volume as well as in size. Iron expands when it is heated.

  (加长) extend: To make longer in space or time, to extend a railway.

  Can"t you extend your visit for a few days.



  smile: The corners of your mouth move outwards and slightly upwards.

  He smiles his consent./with satisfaction.

  (大笑) laugh: To make a noise to show one"s amusement and

  happiness. You can laugh at a joke or at an amusing sight. You can laugh at someone without being amused.

  They all laughed loudly.

  (露齿而笑) grin: To smile with the teeth.

  The boy grinned from ear to ear when I gave him a


  (暗笑 含笑) chuckle: To laugh quietly.

  I could hear him chuckling to himself as he read

  that funny article.

  (咯咯笑) giggle: To laugh repeatedly foolishly and uncontrollably, esp. by girls.

  I heard them giggle when I passed by the girls.

  (窃笑 暗笑) snicker: To laugh in a disrespectful more or less secret way.

  On hearing his absurd opinion, I went snickering.

  (假笑 痴笑) simper: To smile in a silly unnatural way.

  When I told him the thing, he simply simpered.

  (得意的笑) smirk: To smile in a false or too satisfied way.

  He smirked at everyone that passed.

  (窃笑) titter: To laugh very quietly from nervousness or badly

  controlled amusement.

  The girls tittered when they heard this.

  (狂笑) guffaw: To laugh loudly and rudely.

  All the people guffawed at his silly words.

  (哄笑) roar: To laugh long and loudly.

  They roared after they heard the joke.

  (欢笑) chortle: To give a laugh of pleasure or satisfaction.

  He chortled with delight when I told him the news.

  (笑骂) taunt: To try to make sb angry, or upset by making unkind

  remarks, laughing at faults or failures.

  They taunted her with her inability to swim.

  (嘲笑 嘲弄) ridicule: To laugh unkindly at or to make unkind fun of.

  They all ridiculed the idea.

  (讥笑) deride: To laugh at or make fun of as of no value. /to mock

  at someone with contempt They all derided his foolishness.

  (嘲弄) mock: To laugh at sb(sth) when it is wrong to do so, esp.

  by copying in a funny or contemptuous way.

  The students mocked the seriousness of his expression.

  twit: (infl) To make fun of sb because of behavior, a mistake, a fault, etc.

  He twitted her with her timidity.

  (嘲笑 轻蔑地笑) scoff: To laugh at, to speak or act disrespectfully. /To

  speak in scornful mocking way.

  It was a great invention but at first many people scoffed at it.


  chaff: (infl) To make fun of sb in a good-humored way.

  He chaffed the man about his mistakes in speaking English.

  (讥笑) jeer: To laugh rudely at /to insult sb in a loud, unpleasant way.

  They always jeer at the priests.

  gibe(jibe): To laugh at with the intention of hurting the feeling with sarcastic remarks.

  Don"t gibe at her behavior until you know the reason for it.

  (讥笑 冷笑) sneer: To express proud dislike by a kind of usu, one- side

  smile or to show scorn or contempt by looks.

  She sneered at the furniture in his neighbor"s home.

  joke: To make fun of.

  You mustn"t joke with him about religion.

  (取笑) jest: To act or speak playful, not seriously.

  Don"t jest about serious things.

  (戏弄) banter: To speak, or act playfully or jokingly.

  We bantered him on the subject of marriage.

  (轻视) scorn: To look down upon.

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