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  shine: The most general one.

  (闪耀) glitter: To shine brightly with flashing points of light.

  All that glitters is not gold.

  (发火花) sparkle: To shine in small flashes.

  It suggests uneven, bright flashes reflected from light-catching objects.

  We can see a diamond sparkling in the sunlight.

  (闪光) flash: To give out a sudden and monetary bright ray of light/

  To shine suddenly for a moment.

  (闪耀) glisten: To shine from or as if from a wet surface.

  His hair glistened with oil. The wet road glistened.

  (闪烁) gleam: To send out a bright light moderately, mildly not violently.

  A cat"s eye gleamed in the dark. The lantern gleamed.

  (冒火花) spark: To send out small bits of fire.

  He was so angry that his eyes sparked furiously.

  (闪烁不定) flicker: To burn unsteadily, shine with an unsteady light.

  The candle flickered and then went out.

  glimmer: To give a very faint, unsteady light.

  The lights glimmered in the distance.

  (闪烁) twinkle: To shine with a unsteady light that rapidly changes from fright to faint.

  The stars are twinkling in the sky in the evening.

  glow: To give out heat and/or light without flames or smoke.

  The iron bar was heated until it glowed.

  (闪烁) glint: To give out small flashes of light, as the eyes of an eager person are supposed to do

  The sun glinted through the leaves after the shower.

  (眩光) glare: To shine with a strong light in a way unpleasant to the eyes.

  The lights of the car glared at me.

  flame: To burn brightly.

  You can see the burning log flaming.

  (冒火苗) blaze: To burn with a bright flame.

  The house is blazing.

  (闪闪燃烧) flare: To burn with a bright flame, but uncertainly or for a short time.

  The candles flared in the wind.

  dazzle: To make unable to see because of a sudden very strong light.

  The headlight dazzles.

  coruscate: (fml) to flash, sparkle.

  The sparks coruscated.


  The gems scintillate.


  big: Large in size, extent or important.

  large: Much bigger than average

  great: Very large, important, and good.

  great change / great writer / great idea.

  huge: Very fig in size, amount and degree.

  It stresses volume.(体积)

  a huge house/ make a huge profit.

  vast: Very large and wide, great in size or amount.

  It stresses area.(体积)two dimensional extensions

  It is a vast expanse of desert.

  Vast plains/ vast majority / at vast expanse.

  immense: Very great in size or degree./very large or huge.

  It stresses three dimensional largesse.

  It implies immeasurableness.

  an immense palace/ immense importance

  The government will build an immense stadium.

  enormous: Extremely large./Very large in size, amount or degree.

  It stresses not only size but degree.

  It implies abnormality.

  He earned enormous sums of money

  an enormous animal/ enormous appetite/ enormous amount

  tremendous: Extraordinarily large in size, amount or degree. / Large or impressive

  It implies astonishment, terror.

  tremendous speed / tremendous noise/ tremendous amount /tremendous feeling.

  gigantic: Immense in size, on a very large scale like a giant.

  titanic: Very big or important.

  It refers back to the Titans, a race of giant in Greek mythology. It stresses force and power.

  We"ve made titanic effort to achieve our purpose.

  colossal: Very large indeed.

  It comes from Colossus of Rhodes a huge statue that is

  one of the wonders of the ancient world.

  It implies incredibility.


  feeling(s): It can refer to mind or body. It"s either pleasant or painful.

  (感觉) sensation: (u c n) A direct feeling coming from the senses and conveyed to the nervous system by the organs of seeing, hearing, touching, tasting or smelling. Sugar gives a sensation of sweetness.

  (激情) emotion: (c n) Any of the strong feelings of the human spirit Love, joy, anger, hatred and grief are emotions.

  His speech had an effect on our emotions rather than our reason.

  (强烈的激情) passion: Strong emotions, strong, deep often uncontrollable

  feeling, esp. of sexual love, hatred or anger.

  The poet expressed his burning passion for the woman he loved.

  (情操 情趣) sentiment: (u c n) A tender or fine feeling as of pity, love, sadness or imaginative remembrance of the past.

  It"s not a beautiful watch, but I wear it for sentiment because it is my father"s. Admiration, patriotism and loyalty are sentiments.

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