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  65. He was _C_ of having asked such a silly question.

  A sorry B guilty C ashamed D miserable

  guilty adj. 有罪的; be ashamed of 因…而羞愧(不好意思)的; miserable adj. 悲惨的。

  66. The last time we had a family reunion was _B_ my brother's wedding ceremony four years ago.

  A in B at C during D over

  ceremony n. 典礼,仪式。要表达在某典礼(仪式)上用介词at。

  at the graduation ceremony 在毕业典礼上。

  67. What _A_ would happen if the director knew you felt that way?

  A do you suppose B you suppose C will you suppose D you would suppose

  do you supposed 常做插入语。

  68. _D_ the advances of science, the discomforts of old age will no doubt always be with us. [despite prep. 尽管; as for 关于,至于]

  A As for B Besides C Except D Despite

  69. How close parents are to their children _B_ a strong influence on the character of the children.

  A have B has C having D to have

  influence on 对…造成影响,很大的影响中形容词用的是strong。

  70. He _A_ when the bus came to a sudden stop.

  A was almost hurt B was hurt himself C was to hurt himself D was hurting himself

  hurt oneself 自残; be to + 动词原形,将要做某事;

  41. Jean did not have time to go to the concert last night because she was busy _C_ for her examination.

  A to prepare B to be prepared C preparing D being prepared

  be busy doing sth. 忙于做某事

  42. Five minutes earlier, _A_ we could have caught the last train.

  A and B but C or D an order

  and 在这里表示一种结果,翻译成“那么(和)”。只有两种情况下and才会这样翻译:

  1. 省略句 + and + 句子; 2. 祈使句 + and + 句子。

  47. Turn on the television or open a magazine and you _B_ advertisements showing happy balanced families.

  A are often seeing B will often see C often see D have often seen

  43. I cannot give you _D_ for the type of car you sell because there is no demand for it in the market.

  A an expense B a charge C a purchase D an order

  order n. 定购,订单; purchase n. 购买。

  45. By the end of this month, we surely _C_ a satisfactory solution to the problem.

  A have found B will be finding C will have found D are finding



  solution to a problem 一个问题的解决方案。

  46. Mr. Wilson said that he did not want to _A_ any further responsibilities.

  A take on B get on C put up D look up

  take on 承担; take on responsibility 承担责任。

  47. Having no money but _B_ to know, he simply said he would go without dinner.

  A not to want anyone B not wanting anyone C wanted no one D to want no one

  dinner n. 正餐(多指晚餐); supper n. 夜宵,晚餐; breakfast n. 早餐; lunch n. 午餐;

  brunch n. 早午餐。[but前后的句子要平衡]

  48. We desire that the tour leader _A_ us immediately of any change in plans.

  A inform B informs C informed D has informed

  desire v. 要求,表要求时后面加句子要用虚拟语气, (should) + 动词原形。

  其他同样用法的词还有ask, demand, request, require.
