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  41. She ought to stop work; she has a headache because she _A_ too long.

  A has been reading B had read C is reading D read

  had read 过去完成时要与一般过去时搭配。

  has been reading 现在完成进行时:指某行为从过去一点到现在一直在进行。

  42. Niagara Falls is a great tourist _B_, drawing millions of visitors every year.

  A attention B attraction C appointment D arrangement

  tourist attraction 旅游胜地; attention n. 注意力; appointment n. 委任的职位,约会;

  date n. 日期,约会,枣;表示约会时指的是异性之间的私人约会。 arrangement n. 布置,安排

  blind date 两人第一次见面的约会。 appointment 指公事性质的,比较正式的约会。

  43. I don't mind _B_ the decision as long as it is not too late.

  A you to delay making B your delaying making

  C your delaying to make D you delay to make

  mind 后要加动名词; delay v. 耽搁,延误(后面也要加动名词)

  45. Corn originated in the New World and thus was not known in Europe until Columbus found it _A_ in Cuba.

  A being cultivated B been cultivated C having cultivated D cultivating

  46. The sale usually takes place outside the house, with the audience _C_ on benches, chairs or boxes.

  A having seated B seating C seated D having been seated


  Be seated please. 请坐。 英语中只有及物动词才有被动语态。

  47. This kind of glasses manufactured by experienced craftsmen _B_ comfortably.

  A is worn B wears C wearing D are worn


  65. The coming of the railways in the 1830s _A_ our society and economic life.

  A transformed B transported C transferred D transmitted


  transform 改革,变革,改变; transport 运输; transfer 转移,移动;

  transmit 传送,播送;疾病的传染,传播; transplant 移植。

  48. Some diseases are _D_ by certain water animals.

  A transplanted B transformed C transported D transmitted

  49. Wouldn't you rather your child _B_ to bed early?

  A go B went C would go D goes

  would rather的两种用法:1 would rather + 动词原形;

  2 would rather + 句子(句子谓语动词用一般过去时体现虚拟语气)。

  50. Although Anne is happy with her success she wonders _B_ will happen to her private life. [wonder后面要加疑问词]

  A that B what C it D this

  51. The words of his old teacher left a _C_ impression on his mind. He is still influenced by them. [lasting adj. 持久的,永久的; liberal adj. 开明的,心胸开阔的]

  A long B lively C lasting D liberal

  52. Mike's uncle insists _D_ in this hotel.

  A staying not B not to stay C that he would not stay D that he not stay

  insist的两种用法:1 insist on … 坚持,坚决要求;

  2 insist + that引导的从句(从句谓语动词为[should] + 动词原形)

  53. We agree to accept _D_ they thought was the best tourist guide.

  A whatever B whomever C whichever D whoever

  they thought是插入语,可以不看; tourist guide 导游。
