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  it is time 是...的时候了。

  这个结构有以下两种变形形式,所用虚拟语气形式都一样:it is high time / it is about time.


  注意以下两种情况下should + 动词原形中should不能省略。


  a. 四个动词:think, believe, expect, suspect.

  它们的否定或者疑问形式后面加句子,句子谓语动词用:should + 动词原形,should不能省略。

  I don't believe that he should be cheated. 我不相信他也会被骗。

  b. it is a pity, it is a shame 真遗憾,it is strange 真怪

  以上三个结构后面加的句子谓语动词用:should + 动词原形,should不能省略。



  60. If I hadn’t stood under the ladder to catch you when you fell, you _A_ now.

  A wouldn't be smiling B couldn't have smiled C won't smile D didn't smile

  2. If you had studied the problem carefully yesterday, _C_.

  A you won’t find any difficulty now B you would not have found any difficulty now

  C you would not find any difficulty now D you have not found any difficulty now

  3. He would be studying at the university now if he _C_ the entrance examination.

  A passed B have passed C had passed D should have passed

  16. It is a shame that he _B_ that poor little girl!

  A deceived B should deceive C deceive D deceiving

  18. Mrs. bliss kept the door and the windows shut lest the noise outside _D_ her son's sleep. [lest(以免,防备) 后面句子的谓语动词的形式都是:(should)+ 动词原形]

  A would interfere with B had interfered with

  C interfered with D should interfere with

  21. The fifth generation computers, with artificial intelligence, _C_ and perfected now.

  A) developed B have developed C are being developed D will have been developed

  22. This ticket _C_ you to a free meal in our new restaurant.

  A gives B grants C entitles D credits

  A,B两项都要加双宾语,结构为:gives / grants sb. sth.

  entitle sb. to sth. 使某人有权得到某物; credit A to B 相信A是由B造成的。

  相信飞机失事是由飞行员错误造成的。 Credit the crash to the pilot's mistake.

  crash 坠落,坠毁(专指飞机失事); collision 碰撞(强调两个物体碰撞,如火车、汽车等)。

  we are sorry, very sorry, terribly sorry, awfully sorry.

  23. You _D_ her in her office last Friday; she's been out of town for two weeks.

  A needn't have seen B must have seen

  C might have seen D can't have seen

  24. That was so serious a matter that I had no choice but _D_ the police.

  A called in B calling in C call in D to call in

  have no choice but to do sth. 别无选择,只能做...

  25. She was so _B_ in her job that she didn't hear anybody knocking at the door.

  A attracted B absorbed C drawn D concentrated

  be attracted by 被…所吸引; be absorbed in 全神贯注(专注)于做…

  be drawn in 被诱骗(诱使)做... ; concentrate on 专注于。

  I was simply drawn in. 我是被诱骗上钩的。
