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  27. At first, the speaker was referring to the problem of pollution in the country, but halfway in her speech, she suddenly _B_ to another subject.

  A committed B switched C favoured D transmitted

  switch to another subject 转换话题; switch to another channel 转换频道。

  28. It is politely requested by the hotel management that radios _C_ after 11 o'clock at night. [虚拟语气]

  A were not played B not to play C not be played D did not play

  29. Although I like the appearance of the house, what really made me decide to buy it was the beautiful _D_ through the window.

  A vision B look C picture D view

  view n. 景色,风景,视野,视域。

  30. Cancer is second only _B_ heart disease as a cause of death.

  A of B to C with D from


  32. The manager needs an assistant that he can _A_ to take care of problems in his absence. [in his absence 在某人不在场的情况下]

  A count on B count in C count up D count out

  presence n. 到场,出席; in one’s presence 在某人在场的情况下。

  count on=depend on 指望,依靠,依赖; count up 算出总数;

  count in 把…算在内; count out 把...排除在外。

  33. The organization had broken no rules, but _A_ had it acted responsibly.

  A neither B so C either D both

  34. We gave out a cheer when the red roof of the cottage came _D_ view.

  A from B in C before D into

  come into view 进入视野,进入眼帘。 cheer n. 欢呼; cheers 干杯;

  cheer-team 拉拉队; cheer-leader 拉拉队长。英语中为了…干杯用介词to引起。

  to your health 为了你的健康干杯; to friendship为了友谊干杯。 bottom up 先干了。

  35. They took _D_ measures to prevent poisonous gases from escaping.

  A fruitful B beneficial C valid D effective

  take effective measures 采取有效措施。 valid adj. 有效的,成立的。

  36. Doing your homework is a sure way to improve your test scores, and this is especially true _A_ it comes to classroom tests.

  A when B since C before D after

  sure 做定语时表示“可靠的、稳妥的”。 come to 谈到,提及。

  37. Careful surveys have indicated that as many as 50 percent of patients do not take drugs _D_ directed.

  A like B so C which D as

  drug n. 药品,毒品。 gay adj. 放荡的,快乐的; n. 同性恋者,尤指男性同性恋。

  so后面加过去分词表示一种程度。 as后面加过去分词时表示“如同…那样,正如…那样”。

  53. I hope all the precautions against air pollution, _D_ suggested by the local government, will be seriously considered here.

  A while B since C after D as

  precautions n. 防治措施; precautions against 防治…的措施。

  after being + 过去分词,注意:after后面不能直接加过去分词。

  38. In developing countries people are _C_ into overcrowded cities in great numbers.

  A breaking B filling C pouring D hurrying

  pour into 涌入,蜂拥而入。 break into 强行闯入。

  39. It's reported that by the end of this month the output of cement in the factory _A_ by about 10%. [output 产量]

  A will have risen B has risen C will be rising D has been rising

