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  In the high mountain country outside the city of Toluker, there stands a prison. This prison is quite different from other prisons in the world. The guards, except for two at the main gate, are not armed. There are many remarkable things about Toluker prison. For example, of the 15, 000 individuals who have been in prison at Toluker, less than two percent have got into trouble again with, the law. Men in the open prison are free to find work on the outside but must go back to prison each night. On weekends they are allowed to go home. When most other prisons are still sending criminals back into society, Toluker is returning people who stand on their own feet and contribute to society. In 1974, a prisoner called Barb Crook moved to the open prison. A year lat­er, he left Toluker for the last time. He was then nearly forty-six and had been in prison for fourteen years. He got a job as construction worker in the city, remarried and was regarded as a useful person of his community. If you ask Bob why Toluker works, he would say “Because they believed in me when I was at my worst.”

  Questions 14 to 17 are based on the passage you have just heard.

  14. Why is Toluker prison called an open prison? 考开头

  15. What is the essential characteristic of Toluker prison? 考结尾“Because”

  16. How long did Barb Crook stay in the Toluker prison? 客观数字题

  17. What is the speaker’s attitude toward this type of prison? 态度方向题

  注:work 起作用。同义词help;do some good;do any good。




  Questions 18 to 20 are based on the passage you have just heard.

  18. A) He lost consciousness.

  B) He was slightly wounded.

  C) He was seriously injured.

  D) He was buried under an icebox.

  19. A) About four days.

  B) Around eight days.

  C) A day and a half.

  D) More than six days.

  20. A) His father pulled him out in time.

  B) He stayed in an icebox.

  C) He left the area before the earthquake.

  D) Their house escaped the earthquake.


  A six-year-old boy has been found alive after spending four days and five nights in an icebox that was buried under tons of ruins in Thursday’s big earthquake.

  The boy, Tom, was found early yesterday in the village of Sem as rescuers were working to pull his father out of the ruins of their home.

  Hearing a faint cry of “Get me out, get me out”, rescuers dug down another 1.5 meters and found the boy in the icebox. He was pronounced in a good condition, suffering only four or five slight wounds.

  Tom’s eight brothers and sisters died in the earthquake, which officials say may have killed as many as 50,000 people.

  By Sunday foreign doctors were leaving the earthquake areas as hope had faded of finding any more survivors.

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