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  W: What did you do in class today?

  M: The teacher went over last Friday’ s lesson.

  Q: What did the teacher do?

  注:go over = review

  [Test 1-7]

  A) He is often late for meals.

  B) He is expecting a letter from abroad.

  C) He wrote to his family last month.

  D) He is anxious to go back home.

  M: I haven’ t heard from my family since last month.

  W: Don’ t worry, Bill. Overseas mail is often slow.

  Q: What can we learn about the man from the conversation?

  注:1. overseas = abroad

  2. hear from sb. 收到某人来信

  write to sb./ correspond with sb. 给某人写信

  [Test 1-10]

  A) The train is crowded.

  B) The train is late.

  C) The train is on time.

  D) The train is out of order.

  W: Excuse me. Do you know when the train will arrive?

  M: I’ m sorry. The train is behind schedule. You have to wait another twenty minutes.

  Q: What do we learn from this conversation?

  注:1. out of order 顺序乱了;坏了(break down)

  2. behind schedule = late

  [Test 2-2]

  A) He enjoys writing home every week.

  B) He never fails to write a weekly letter home.

  C) He doesn’t write home once a week now.

  D) He has been asked to write home every week.

  W: How often did you write home?

  M: I used to write home once a week.

  Q: What do you understand from the man’s answer?

  注:be used to doing sth. = be accustomed to do sth./ adapt 习惯

  used to = was always/ not now 过去常常

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