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  Passage Three

  In recent years, American society has become increasingly dependent on its universities to find solutions to its major problems. It is the universities that have been charged with the principal responsibility for developing the expertise to place men on the moon; to deal with our urban problems and our deteriorating environment; to develop the means to feed the world’s rapidly increasing population. The effort involved in meeting these demands presents its own problems. In addition, this concentration on the creation of new knowledge significantly impinges on the universities’ efforts to perform their other principal functions--the transmission and interpretation of knowledge, that is, the imparting of the heritage of the past and the preparing of the next generation to carry it forward.

  With regard to this, perhaps their most traditionally sanctioned task, colleges and universities today generally find themselves in a serious bind. On the one hand, there is the American commitment, entered into especially since World War II, to provide higher education for all young people who can profit from it. The result of the commitment has been a dramatic rise in enrollment in our universities, coupled with a radical shift from the private to the public sector of higher education. On the other hand, there are serious and continuing limitations on the resources available for higher education.

  While higher education has become a great “growth industry,” it is also simultaneously a tremendous drain on the resources of this nation. With the vast increase in enrollment and the shift in priorities away from education in state and federal budgets, there is in most of our public institutions a significant decrease in per capita outlay for their students. One crucial aspect of this drain on resources lies in the persistent shortage of trained faculty, which has led, in turn, to a declining standard of competence in instruction.

  Intensifying these difficulties is, as indicated above, the concern with research, with its competing claims on resources and faculty. In addition, there is a strong tendency for the institutions’ organization and functionality to conform to the demands of research rather than those of teaching.

  Questions 32 to 35 are based on the passage you have just heard.

  32. What is the most important function of institutions of higher education?

  33. What is one of the causes of the difficulties of American higher education?

  34. What is a serious outcome brought about by the shortage of resources?

  35. What is the main topic of the passage?

  Section C

  Directions: In this section, you will hear a passage three times. When the passage is read for the first time, you should listen carefully for its general idea. When the passage is read for the second time, you are required to fill in the blanks numbered from 36 to 43 with the exact words you have just heard. For blanks numbered from 44 to 46 you are required to fill in the missing information. For these blanks, you can either use the exact words you have just heard or write down the main points in your own words. Finally, when the passage is read for the third time, you should check what you have written.

  There are various ways in which individual economic units can interact with one another. Three basic ways may be (36) described as the market system, (37) administered system, and the traditional system.

  In a market system, individual economic units are (38) free to interact among each other in the (39) marketplace. It is possible to buy commodities from other economic units or sell commodities to them. In a market, transactions may take place via barter or money exchange. In a barter economy, (40) real goods such as (41) automobiles, shoes, and pizzas are traded against each other. Obviously, finding somebody who wants to trade my old car in exchange for a sailboat may not always be an easy task. Hence, the (42) introduction of money as a (43) medium of exchange eases transactions considerably. (44) In the modern market economy, goods and services are bought or sold for money.

  An alternative to the market system is administrative control by some agency over all transactions. This agency will issue edicts or commands as to how much of each good and service should be produced, exchanged, and consumed by each economic unit. Central planning may be one way of administering such an economy. (45) The central plan, drawn up by the government, shows the amounts of each commodity produced by the various firms and allocated to different households for consumption. This is an example of complete planning of production, consumption, and exchange for the whole economy.

  In a traditional society, production and consumption patterns are governed by tradition; every person’s place within the economic system is fixed by parentage, religion, and custom. Transactions take place on the basis of tradition, too. People belonging to a certain group or caste may have an obligation to care for other persons, provide them with food and shelter, care for their health, and promote education. (46) Clearly, in a system where every decision is made on the basis of tradition alone, progress may be difficult to achieve. A stagnant society may result.




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