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W: Marketing has some interesting ideas for television commercials.
M: TV? Isn’t that a bit too expensive for us? What’s wrong with advertising in the papers, as usual?
W: Quite frankly, it’s just not enough anymore. We need to be more aggressive in order to keep ahead of our competitors.
M: Will we be able to afford all this?
W: I’ll look into it, but I think higher costs will be justified. These investments will result in higher profits for our company.
M: We’ll have to look at the figures more closely. Have finance draw up a budget for these investments.
W: All right. I’ll see to it.
Questions 19 to 20 are based on the conversation you have just heard.
19.What are the two speakers talking about?
20.What does the woman say about the equipment of their factory?
21.What does the woman suggest about human resources?
22. Why does the woman suggest advertising on TV?
第一篇文章给我们的第一印象是篇幅非常的长。之前我们的预测是6-8个回合的对话考5道题目,而现在发现篇幅远远超过了这个预测,题目却少了一道,这也给同学们在短时间内从大量信息中寻找答案制造了困难。不过如果大家再回过头仔细去看看我用下划线标示出来的这些内容,马上就可以发现这些部分就是4道题目的答案出处,而且每次答案的出现都伴随着一个问题。这首先就说明了一点,每每遇到问答的形式都是考官青睐的考点,而且考试的重点往往落在答语上。这一点和短对话中体现的原则不谋而合,而且短对话中的建议请求原则也和此处的情况及其相似。另外还有一个特点,大家观察后不难发现,并不是每一组问答都被作为考点,而作为考试重点的几组问题之间关联性是不大的。换句话来说,第一个问题考察了文章的main idea, 从第二个问题开始分别考察了new business strategy 所呈现的3方面问题。其中每一个方面选择了一个最重要的问题来考察,这一点又和以往的passage考察方法很类似,特别是人物生平发展或者故事类的题目很相似,每一方面的内容只考察一道题目,而且出题的顺序和文章的顺序是一致的。
Conversation Two
W: Sir, you’ve been using the online catalogue for quite a while , Is there anything I can do to help you?
M: Well, I’ve got to write a paper about Hollywood in the 30s and 40s, and I’m really struggling. There are hundreds of books, and I just don’t know where to begin.
W: Your topic sounds pretty big. Why don’t you narrow it down to something like…uh… the history of the studios during that time?
M: You know, I was thinking about doing that, but more that 30 books came up when I typed in “movie studios.”
W: You could cut that down even further by listing the specific years you want. Try adding “1930s” or “1940s” or maybe “Golden Age.”
M: “Golden Age” is a good idea. Let me type that in … Hey, look, just 6 books this time. That’s a lot better.
W: Oh… another thin you might consider… have you tried looking for any magazine or newspaper articles?
M: No, I’ve only been searching for books.
W: Well, you can look up magazine articles in the Reader’s Guide to Periodical Literature. And we do have the Los Angeles. Times available over there. You might go through their indexes to see if there’s anything you want.
M: Okay, I think I’ll get started with these books and then I’ll go over the magazines.
W: If you need any help, I’ll be over at the Reference Desk.
M: Great, thanks a lot.
Questions 23 to 25 are based on the conversation you have just heard.
23. What is the man doing?
24. What does the librarian think of the topic the man is working on?
25. Where can the man find the relevant magazine articles?
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