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  [A]The latest developments of an armed rebellion in Karnak.

  [B]The fall of Karnak’s capital city into the hands of the rebel forces.

  [C]The epidemic that has just broken out in the country of Karnak.

  [D]The peace talks between the rebels and the government in Karnak.


  选项均为名词短语,且概括性均较强,故本题很可能考查对话的主旨。由armed rebellion,the rebel forces,peace talks between the rebels and the government等词以及多次出现的Karnak可推知本对话很可能与Karnak国反政府武装叛乱有关。


  W: We now interrupt our regular scheduled news program to bring you live up-to-date coverage on the civil unrest in the newly formed country of Karnak, where our man Stan Fielding is stationed. Stan ...

  M: This is Stan Fielding reporting live from the suburbs of the capital city. Just 20 minutes ago, rebel forces launched the biggest offensive against the ruling government in the 18- month conflict here in this country.


  22.What is the news coverage mainly about?




  【例8】(新06-12- 19)


  19. [A] He picked up some apples in his yard.

  [B] He cut some branches off the apple tree.

  [C] He quarreled with his neighbor over the fence.

  [D] He cleaned up all the garbage in the woman’s yard.

  20. [A] Trim the apple trees in her yard.

  [B] Pick up the apples that fell in her yard.

  [C] Take the garbage to the curb for her.

  [D] Remove the branches from her yard.

  21. [A] File a lawsuit against the man.

  [B] Ask the man for compensation.

  [C] Have the man’s apple tree cut down.

  [D] Throw garbage into the man’s yard.

  22. [A] He was ready to make a concession.

  [B] He was not prepared to go to court.

  [C] He was not intimidated.

  [D] He was a bit concerned.

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