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来源:星火 2008-11-18 15:27:36 考试吧:中国教育培训第一门户 模拟考场

  Now you'll hear two long conversations.

  Conversation One

  M: ...And where do you recommend I shall stay?(19) What's the Holiday Inn like?

  W: It's nice there. It's in the city centre and has all the usual business facilities you'll need. The service is first class.

  M: Oh, good. So I'll get a room there. Now, what's the best way to get into the hotel from the airport? Should I take a taxi?

  W: Well, (20)you can, but you don't have to. The subway system is very convenient.

  M: Mmm..., Can you tell me something about the business hours? I mean, what time are the banks open?

  W: The banks? They open at half past eight and close at four thirty.

  M: I see. And are they open on Saturday too?

  W: I'm afraid not. And I'd better warn you, the shops close early on Saturday. During the week they're open until half past six, but on Saturdays they close at four.

  M: At four! Right. Now, what's the weather like at this time of year?

  W: Well, it's (21)usually warm. But sometimes it turns very cold and wet. So don't forget to take what you may need with you. By the way, when are you going on this trip?

  M: Oh, (22)not until the middle of the month. The fifteenth, I think. Anything else you want to advise me?

  W: No, nothing I can see. It's a nice country, peaceful and calm, and people are friendly. I'm sure you'll enjoy your stay there.

  19. What are the two speakers talking about?

  A)。由选项预测本题是主旨题。对话谈到了住处Holiday Inn(假日酒店),交通工具taxi和subway,bank和shop的营业时间以及weather,可见是在安排旅行。

  20. Why is it not necessary for the man to take a taxi to the hotel?

  C)。由选项可知本题是对原因提问,男士的问句Should I take a taxi?是本题的提示信号,下面女士的回答:you can, but you don't have to否定了对方的想法,并直接说明了原因The subway system is very convenient,故答案为C)。

  21. What's the weather like at this season?

  A)。由选项可知本题是对天气提问。What's the weather like?是本题的提示信息,下面听到的usually warm,but sometimes it turns very cold and wet 即为本题答案。

  22. When will the man go on the trip?

  C)。由选项预测本题是对时间提问,听录音时要注意表示时间的词。本题也有提示问句:When are you going on this trip? 其后的回答:not until the middle of the month. The fifteenth, I think.锁定了答案为C)。

  Conversation Two

  W: Bill, is that really you? I haven't seen you for months.

  M: Hello, Christina. Yes, it has been a long time. Good to see you. How have you been?

  W: I've been okay. I've just been so busy with school. We really should get together and catch up. How about joining me for dinner tonight?

  M: (23) I'd love to, but I'm taking off for Miami at 8:00 tonight if everything goes well. I'm going home because my brother is getting married on Saturday morning.

  W: That's great. Congratulations! I hope that you have a nice time at home. You'll just have to take a rain check on that dinner invitation.

  M: Well, what are you doing now? Maybe we can go to the coffee shop and chat for a while. There is an attractive, little place I know of down the street.

  W: (24) I really wish I could, but I'm on my way to the tennis courts.

  M: Tennis courts? I didn't know you could play tennis.

  W: It sounds like that, but actually I can't. (24) I'm taking lessons so I can learn. My roommate is on the tennis team and she's gotten me interested in the sport. Do you know how to play?

  M: A little, but I haven't played for years. I really like the game, though. (25) When I come back from my trip, I think I'll join you in taking lessons.

  W: It's a deal. Just give me a call when you get back.

  M: You got it.

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