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  Conversation One

  W: Well, I’ve got a really tough class this afternoon after the lunch break. I’m giving a seminar to the 3rd Year Political Science students and quite honestly, I’m a bit worried about it.

  M: Oh, come on. They’re a pretty bright lot.

  W: Yeah, that’s the problem. They are going to ask some tough questions and I just don’t have any real answers for them.

  M: Well, give me an example.

  W: Okay. One girl always goes on about the same thing. If there weren’t any politicians, the world wouldn’t get into such a mess. Something like that anyway.

  M: Well, I think that’s a stupid argument. Someone has to make decisions, somebody has to organize a society.

  W: Yes, I agree. But young people see things differently. They see it this way. If nobody was allowed to hold complete power in any society, then decisions would be made at a more local level. This would guarantee some form of popular decision.

  M: Well, that’s fine in theory. So local “politicians” then make decisions and what’s the big difference? You just exchange national politics for local politics.

  W: Yes, absolutely. But you see my problem.

  M: Oh, I do. I really do. Let’s think about it…

  Questions 19 to 21 are based on the conversation you have just heard.

  19. What are they talking about?

  20. What does the woman think of the students?

  21. According to the passage, what do young people think of things like politicians?

  Conversation Two

  W: Hi! Come in. Have a seat. I’ve found that article for you, you know, the one you were talking about the other day.

  M: Oh great! That friend of mine who works in the library was not very helpful. He told me that the library doesn’t subscribe to all foreign newspapers.

  W: Yeah, so I’ve heard. Anyway, the journalist who wrote this particular article really has a good feel for the subject. All of my friends who have read the piece say it’s spot on.

  M: And do you agree with him?

  W: Actually, the writer is a her. Yes, generally speaking, I do, at least most of the time. She thinks young people in Britain and America are spoilt because they have too much money, too much freedom and too long holidays.

  M: Um, I see.

  W: You see, she based her article on interviews with young people at a number of universities. Most of them had never had a job in their lives. They just expected their parents to pay for their holidays abroad and to give them lots of pocket money.

  M: Well, perhaps jobs are hard to find.

  W: Well, of course we are told there are very few jobs available at present. But still, everyone who really wants a job can find a job if they look hard enough.

  M: Oh well, the situation is about the same here in China. But even though the government pays for their studies, some of the students who attend classes with me have to have a job during the holidays just to make ends meet.

  W: How much money do they get per month for their studies?

  M: Oh I don’t know. If they are undergraduates…

  Questions 22 to 25 are based on the conversation you have just heard.

  22. Where do the speakers converse?

  23. What is the passage mainly about?

  24. What does the journalist think of young people in Britain and America?

  25. According to the passage, what does the man mean when he says that some Chinese students try to have a job even though the government pays for their tuition?

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