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  Conversation One

  W: Tom, what are the stories we’re looking at for the 9 o’clock news tonight?

  M: Well, Lucy, we’ve got an update on South Africa about the regional elections in Transkei. But we’ve run into problems in getting a live report from Adrian in Port Elizabeth。

  W: Never mind. We’ll just run the film and let Kate fill in the details on the news itself. Now what about that story which is breaking in Germany?

  M: Well, it’s still quite difficult to make out exactly what is going on there. It seems that the President and the Prime Minister have seriously fallen out and it is possible that the Prime Minister may be thinking of leaving office。

  W: Have we got anything on film to back up this story?

  M: No, nothing yet, but we can run the interview again that we showed at 6。

  W: Fine. Now let me just run through the other stories we’ve got. Check them off as I go through them. Famine in Sudan, storms in America’s mid-west, economic problems in Japan, a big fire at the World Health Organization building in Geneva, bombs in Northern Ireland, a new computer from China that understands spoken Mandarin, and a new world record by a British athlete in Sydney。

  M: What about putting in the story on the growing number of homeless people living on the streets of Mexico City?

  W: No, I don’t think so. That’s not really hard news. Tom, let’s settle down and go through the films on video first …

  Questions 19 to 21 are based on the conversation you have just heard。

  19. What are the speakers doing?

  20. According to the passage, it seems that_______________。

  21. The other stories are checked such as ___________________。

  Conversation Two

  M: Come in. Ah, good morning. It’s Miss Jenny, isn’t it? Do sit down. Now, what can I do for you?

  W: Well, I’ve looked through all the literature about opening an account with the City Bank, and I think I want two accounts。

  M: I see. Are you therefore thinking of opening a savings account as well as a current account?

  W: Yes, that’s right. I’ve been asking around at a number of banks during the last week or so, and two accounts certainly seems like the best idea。

  M: Are you thinking of putting a fairly large sum of money into a deposit or an investment account, may I ask?

  W: Well, not really a large amount at this stage. Perhaps a few hundred pounds in a deposit account and rather less in a current account for day to day expenditure. I don’t expect to take money out of the deposit account at all, except maybe for holidays and the odd big expense。

  M: Now do you have any personal references with you?

  W: Yes, of course. I’ve got one from my boss and one from my cousin because he also works in a bank。

  M: Good. Could you pass them over to me, please? Thank you. Now I’ll just run through them quickly if you don’t mind. Yes, well that all seems to be fine. Now, let’s go through this form together. It’s not difficult but we don’t want to make any mistakes. Okay…

  Questions 22 to 25 are based on the conversation you have just heard。

  22. The conversation may take place______________。

  23. What is the passage mainly about?

  24. Miss Jenny is thinking of_______________。

  25. According to the passage, Miss Jenny will______________。

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