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  When a consumer finds that an item she or he bought is faulty or does not live up to the manufacturer’s (36) ______for it, the first step is to present the guarantee at the store of purchase. In most cases, this action will (37) ______results. However, if it does not, there are various means the consumer may use to gain satisfaction. A simple and common method used by many consumers is to complain directly to the store manager. In general, the “higher up” the consumer takes his or her (38) ______, the faster he or she can expect it to be settled. In such a case, it is usually settled in the consumer’s favor, (39) ______ he or she has a just claim.

  Consumers should complain in (40) ______ whenever possible, but if they cannot get to the place of purchase, it is (41) ______ to phone or write the complaint in a letter. Complaining is usually most effective when it is done politely but (42) ______, and especially when the consumer can demonstrate what is wrong with the item in (43)_________. If this cannot be done, (44) ______________________________________..The store manager may advise the consumer to write to the manufacturer. If so, (45) _______________________________________. But if a polite complaint does not achieve the desired result, the consumer can go a step further. (46)_________________________________________________.


  Section C

  36.【解析】claim。从manufacturer’s这个所有结构可知所填词为名词,而且可以和介词for搭配。另外,live up to和所填词构成动宾搭配,live up to意为 “遵守(诺言、原则等),符合”。句中的or表示:faulty和or后面的部分是选择性并列关系。那么,consumer买的商品可能有瑕疵或者不像manufacturer标榜得那么好。claim作名词时常和for搭配,for后面的it指代的是an item。

  37.【解析】produce。空前will限定所填词为一原形动词,并在句中作谓语,和results构成动宾搭配。主语this action是指上句中的present the guarantee at the store of purchase,在很多情况下,这种方式都比较有效。表示“产生好的效果”的搭配有produce / bring about / bear / give / yield (good) results。

  38.【解析】complaint。从in general(一般而言)可知,这句话是对上一句的进一步说明,所填词很可能和上一句中的关键词complain有关,而且作空后settled的宾语。Settle暗含“解决(棘手的或令人不愉快的事情)”。complaint是complain的名词形式,take one’s complaint意为“抱怨”,等同于complain。


  40.【解析】person。in person意为“亲自,本人”,为固定短语。空后的转折句but if they cannot get to the place of purchase...to phone or write the complaint in a letter起提示作用。

  41.【解析】acceptable。空前的It is及to phone…表明本空中应填一形容词。考生应注意:短文听写中若出现It is/was to do结构时,所填词往往为以able结尾的形容词。

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