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  1.M:What will you do all day in the summer,Mary?

  W:I'm going to work with my father at the store.

  In the evening,I'll read books.On weekends,I'll go to the beach with my family.

  Q:What will Mary do weekdays?

  2.W:Let's look at the newspaper.Movie programms are usually on Page Five.

  M:Here it is."Summer in Paris" start at eight o'clock in the evening?

  Q:What is "Summer in Paris"likely to be?

  3.W:I have to stay in the kitchen.I don't want the food to burn.

  Would you please set the table?


  Q:What are they doing?

  4.W:Must I catch a Number 5 bus to get there?

  M:No,you neendn't.A Number 16 bus will also take you to the hospital.

  Q:What do we learn from the conversation?

  5.M:Can you play chess with me today,Susan?

  W:No,I can't.I'm sorry.I have to help my mother.We're going to move tomorrow.

  Q:What's Susan going to do?

  6.W:I want to work here,but what will you pay me?

  M:We'll pay you 300 dollars a month now,and 350 dollars after three months.

  Q:How much will the woman earn for the second month?

  7.M:Can you tell me where the dean's office is?

  W:I'm on my way there myself,so I'll show you.

  Q:Where is the woman going?

  8.W:Could you give me something for the pain?

  I didn't get to sleep until four o'clcok this morning.

  M:This medicine is the strongest I can give you.

  Q:Where did this covnersation most likely take place?

  9.M:Are you going to teach after you graduate?

  W:Where did you get an idea like that?

  Q:What can be concluded about the woman?

  10.W:Why don't you join us for a game of bridge?

  M:No,thanks.I'm not really in the mood for bridge this evening.

  Q:Why doesn't the man join them for the game?

  Passage One

  Some of the notebooks of young Washington's are now kept in the museum.They show that he was learning Latin and was fond of reading English novels.At school he seemed only to be interested in maths.In fact,his schooling was surprisingly short for a gentleman,and incomplete.For unlike other young Virginian gentlemen of that day,he did not go to college of William and Mary in the Virginian capital.He received less formal education than some other early American presidents such as Adams,Jefferson and Madison.In later years,Washington probably regretted his lack of formal training.He never felt comfortable in a debate in Congress,or on any subject that had nothing to do with practical matters.And because he never learned French and could not speak directly to the French leaders,he did not visit the country he admired so much.Thus,unlike Jefferson and Adams,he never reached Europe.

  Questions 11 to 13 are based on the passage you have just heard.

  11.Why didn't Washington go to college?

  12.Why did Washington never visit France?

  13.What is the main idea of the passage?

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