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  Passage Two

  In 1954,the first work was begun on Disneyland.One year later,on July 17,1955,it was finished.This was the completion of a dream Walt Disney had had for twenty years.

  He had built it on a very flat piece of land.There had been nothing there except some fruit trees.The park includes many things that are unique.There are lots of things that children love to visit.And adults enjoy them almost as much.Main Street U.S.A.shows the United States around 1900.Adventure land is in a tropical setting It shows the jungles of Asia and Africa. For young children the most enjoyable place is probably Fantasyland.Older children have a great deal of fun at Tomorrowland.There are many other lands at Disneyland.It would be possible to spend several days at Disneyland and still not see everything.All of this was the result of the dream of one man.But Walt Disney was not satisfied with just one such place.He also made plans for Walt Disney World.This was built in Florida during the 1960's,It was the last great creation of Walt Disney.

  14.When was the Disneyland completed?

  15.When place do young children most enjoy ?

  16.What kind of land was Disneyland built on?

  Passage Three

  The law consists of a great many of rules,showing when and how far a man is likely to be punished,or to be made to hand over money or property to his neighbours,and so forth.These rules are contained in books.A lawyer learns them mainly by reading books.He begins by doing little else than reading,and after he has prepared by,say three years' study to practice,still,all his lifelong and almost every day,he will be looking into books to read a little more than he already knows about some new questions which he has to answer.The power to use books,then,is a talent which the would_be lawyer ought to have.[07:07.21]He ought to be very flexible and find to make it easy for him to collect ideas from printed words.He ought to be ready in finding what a book contains,and something of an instinct for where to look for what he wants.But although this is the power of which he will first feel the need,it is not the most important.A lawyer does not study law to recite;he studies it to use it and act upon the rules which he has learned in real life.

  His business is to try cases in court and to advise men what to do in order to keep out or get out of trouble.He studies his books in order to advise and to try his cases in the right way.

  Questions 17 to 20 are based on the passage you have just heard.

  17.What does the man who wants to be a lawyer do after three years of reading?

  18.What ability should a would_be lawyer have?

  19.What is the main business of a lawyer?

  20.What is a good lawyer capable of doing?
