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  1.W:I think I'll take my mother to that French restaurant on Main Street for her birthda

  M:I hope it's not any time soon.They are usually booked up weeks in advanc

  Q:What does the man mean?

  2.M:Did you notice that Mark shaved off his beard over the summer.

  W:Notice?I didn't recognize him.

  Q:What does the woman say about Mark?

  3.W:Is there a weight limit to the luggage a passenger can carry on the train?

  M:Yes.But yours is only 15 kilograms,5 kilograms less than that limit.

  Q:What is the weight limit to the luggage one passenger can carry on the plane?

  4.W:I wish I hadn't thrown away that list of books.

  M:I thought you might,so I took it from the waste paper basket.

  It's right here in my pocket.

  Q:What do we learn about the list?

  5.W:I'm really looking forward to the picnic tomorrow.

  M:If we are lucky,we'll have some sun this year for a change.

  Q:What does the man imply?

  6.M:It's a pity that I missed the modern art exhibition at the museum.

  W:You might well try to catch it when it opens in New York next month.

  Q:What does the woman suggest that the man do?

  7.M:Hey.There's a program on the radio tonight at seven you might like.It's about parrots.

  W:I have heared about it.But you are right ,I am interesting in it.

  Q:What will the woman probably do?

  8.M:I thought you were going to call me last night about the train schedule.

  W:Sorry.I would have.But Harry and Jack stopped by and stayed past midnight.

  Q:What does the woman mean?

  9.W:Gosh!Fred,another cup of coffee?That's your third since lunch.

  M:Yeah,Well,I stayed up all night working for my English exam.

  I couldn't keep my eyes open in my last class.

  I'm having this coffee so I can stay awake this afternoon.

  Q:Why is the man drinking so much coffee?

  10.M:What's up with Donald?I've never seen him so happy.

  W:His supervisor gave performance evaluations this morning.

  Q:What can be inferred about Donald?

  Passage one

  Started in 1636,Harvard University is the oldest of all the colleges and universities in the United States.Yale,Princeton,and Dartmouth were opened soon after Harvard.

  They were all started before the American Revolution made the thirteen colonies into states.In the early years,these schools were much alike.Only young men attended college.

  All the students studied the same subjects and everyone learned Latin and Greek.Little was known about science then,and one kind of school could teach everything that was known about the world.When the students graduated,most of them became ministers or teachers .In 1782,Harvard started a medical school for young men who wanted to become doctors.Later,lawyers could receive their training in Harvard Law School.In 1825,Harvard began teaching modern languages,such as French and German,as well as Latin and Greek.

  Soon it began teaching American history.As knowledge increased,Harvard and other colleges began to teach many new subjects.Students were allowed to choose the subjects that interested them.Special colleges for women were started.New state universities began to teach such subjects as farming,engineering and business.Today,there are many different kinds of colleges and universities.Most of them are divided into smaller schools that deal with special fields of learning.There is so much to learn that one kind of school cannot offer it all.

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