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  1. W: Alice's pretty smart, don't you think?

  M: Pretty smart? She's practically a genius.

  Q: What does the man think about Alice?

  2. W: Tom, this is Mary at school. Is Dick at home?

  M: No, Mary. He's at the office. He'll be back at 12:00.

  Q: Where is Dick now?

  3. W: What would you do with your dog when you are away on holiday?

  M: I'm having John take care of it.

  Q: What do we know about the man's dog?

  4. M: Have you decided where you are going to live when you get married?

  W: I would like to live in the city near my work.

  but my fiance wants a house in the suburbs to save on expenses.

  Q: Why does the woman want to live in the city?

  5. W: I think that the game starts at eight.

  M: Good. We have an hour to get there.

  Q: What time is it now?

  6. W: Excuse me, sir.

  Visiting hours are over now.

  You must leave, so your wife can get some rest.

  M: Pardon me, nurse.

  I didn't hear the bell or I would have left earlier.

  Q: Where did this conversation take place?

  7. M: Your powers of concentration are amazing.

  Didn't you hear me come in?

  W: Are you talking to me?

  Q: What can be infered from this conversation about the woman?

  8. W: Henry, your article in the Campus News was excellent.

  M: I only wish they had published the entire thing.

  Q: What do we learn from Henry's response?

  9. M: Could you please explain the assignment for Monday, Miss Smith?

  W: Certainly.

  Read the next chapter in your textbook and come to class to discusss what you've read.

  Q: What is the probable relationship between the two people?

  10. M: How about going to dinner and a movie with me tonight, Sandy?

  W: I 'd like to.

  but I haven't packed yet and my flight leaves at five a.m..

  Q: Why didn't Sandy accept the invitation?

  Passage One

  My husband is a born shopper.He loves to look at things and to touch them.He likes to compare prices between the same items in different stores.He would never think of buying anything without looking around in several different stores.On the other hand,I am not a shopper.I regard shopping as boring and unpleasant.If I like something and I can afford it, I buy it instantly.I never look around for a good sale or a better deal.Bargains don't interest me.Needless to saymy husband and I never go shopping together.The experience would be too painful for both of us.When it comes to shopping, we go our separate ways.


  11. Which of the following statements is NOT true about my husband?

  12. What's my attitude towards shopping?

  13. When it comes to shopping what do my husband and I do?

  Passage Two

  In the United States young men and women prefer to find their own husbands and wifes.This reflects many of the customs of American society.Men and women go to school together and work together so they come into contact with a wide range of people.They are attracted to a certain person for many reasons.but "love" is regarded as particularly important in their choice.Americans often explain their reason for getting married by saying."I love him or I love her."


  14. In the United States,what do young men and women prefer to do as for their marriage?

  15. What is regarded as particularly important in their choice of partners?

  16. Which of the following statements is true,according to the passage?

  Passage Three

  George works in San Francisco.He is not married,and he usually has his lunch and occasionally his dinner,in small restaurant.One evening he decided to go to an expensiverestaurant.When he got in, he saw a large heavy man sitting by himself at a table.The man looked familial George thought for a few moments and then remembered the man's name so he went up to him and said politely, "Hello, Mr.Grey."How is business "Oh, it is not good at all,"the large man answerer.George looked at the expensive food and wine on Mr.Grey's table and was surprised."it certainly doesn't look as if your business is bad," he said."Well," Mr. Grey answered sadly.

  "I'm afraid you are wrong.A few years ago I was doing very well.and I could afford to bring my wife to this place for dinner,too."


  17. Which of the following statements is NOT true about George?

  18. What did George decide to do one evening?

  19. How is Mr. Grey's business?

  20. What do we know about Mr.Grey according to the passage?
