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  1. M: Are you ready to order now?

  W: Yes,I'll have roast beef,French fried potatoes and green beans.

  Q: Whom is the man talking to?

  2. M: Well,if I had begun studying English earlier.

  I wouldn't be having so much trouble with my pronunciation.

  W: Oh, I can understand why you feel that way.

  Q: What problem does the man have?

  3. M: I can't make up my mind about taking the English exam in this summer.

  W: I would be inclined to take it if I were you.

  Any qualification is useful these days.

  Q: What's the woman's opinion about the exam?

  4: W: Can I depend on you to pick up the soda for the party tonight?

  M: Sure.I promise I'll pick it up.

  Q: What did the woman ask the man to do?

  5. M: Louise,do you mind turning off the over-head light.

  I've got a big day tomorrow and I really need to get some sleep.

  W: Sorry. I'll turn it off in a second.

  Q: Why did the woman say "sorry"?

  6. M: I thought we might go to the new movie at the Playhouse Theater.

  W: Fantastic! I read a good review of it and I'd love to go!

  Q: What are they going to do?

  7. M: Well, it might do you good to quit smoking or at least cut down on it.

  W: A lot of people have told me the same thing

  but somehow I just can't force myself to do it.

  Q: What does the woman think of the man's suggestion?

  8. W: Could I possibly ask you to help me get this refrigerator up the steps?

  M: I'd like to, but I'm afraid I can't.

  Q: What can you conclude from the conversation?

  9. M: Which model of the washing machine are you interested in purchasing?

  w: I'm not sure. I might buy the cheap one.

  On the other hand,perhaps I'll buy the deluxe version.

  Q: What is the woman doing?

  10. M: Ah,now this is better.

  This is how a tomato soup should taste.

  W: Oh,yes.It's really delicious!

  A bit better than the one we had last week.

  Q: What are they doing?

  Passage One

  Americans eat breakfast and lunch quickly unless it is a social

  business or family occasion.

  The evening meal is usually longer and a time for family to gather together.

  Rushing through daytime meals is part of the fast pace in America.

  Another reason for rushing through daytime meals is that many people eat in restaurant

  that are usually crowded with people waiting for a place so that

  they too can be served and return to work at the proper time.

  So each one hurries to make room for the next person.

  As with busy people everywhere

  there is a real difference with meals

  that are eaten in a hurry and those that can be enjoyed slowly with friends.

  11. What time would be the least busy time to eat in a restaurant?

  12. What is a reason or how many reasons are there for Americans to rush through their daytime meals?

  13. On which occasion do Americans eat breakfast and lunch quickly?

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