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  Passage Two

  In many countries today,laws protect wildlife.

  In India the need for such protection was realized centuries ago.

  About 300 B.C. an Indian writer described forests that were somewhat like national parks today.

  The killing of game beasts was carefully supervise.

  Some animals were fully protected.

  Within the forest,nobody was allowed to cut timber

  burn wood for charcoal,or trap animals for their furs.

  Animals that became dangerous to human visitors were trapped or killed outside the park.

  So that other animals would not become uneasy.

  The need for wildlife protection is greater now than everbefore.

  About a thousand species of animals are in danger of extinction

  and the rate at which they are being destroyed has increased.

  Within mammals,for instance

  the rate of extinction is now about one species every year.

  From A.D. 1 to 1800,the rate was about one species every fifty years.

  Everywhere,men are trying to solve the problem of preserving wildlife

  while caring for the would's growing population.

  14. What time does the example of man's concern with wildlife protection date back to?

  15. What was the thing about hunting like in forests of long ago?

  16. What was the rule of cutting timber in forests of long ago?

  17. Which of the following is implied but not stated in the passage?

  Passage Three

  The last part of this century will be an age of exploration

  such as man has never know.

  There are eight planets,at least thirty moons

  and thousands of asteroids to be explored.

  Their total area is about 250 times that of the earth.

  Spaceships will not be able to land on some of the

  but that still leaves to be explored

  and area ten times as great as the continents of the earth.

  Exploring space may seem terrifying to some people.

  No doubt explorers of the past were terrified by the great empty oceans that lay before them.

  They conquered their fears crossed the oceans,and built the New World.

  In the past when explorers set sail into the unknown

  they had to say good-bye to all they knew at home.

  Space explorers will not face such great loneliness.

  Ever when they travel far beyond the sun

  they will be able to send messages back.

  18. When will be an age of exploration?

  19. How did the explorers of the past feel when the great empty oceans lay before them?

  20. What is this passage about?
