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  Passage Four

  In March of 1981, John Hinckle

  Jr.attempted to assassinate United States President Ronald Reagan.

  President Reagan was coming out of a hotel after making a speech

  when suddenly six loud shots ran out.

  One of the bullets entered the president's left lune.

  His security men rushed him to the hospital where doctors operated on him for two hours.

  Reagan recovered rapidly and was back in the White House after a few weeks.

  The gunman was a young man from a well-to-do family.

  After the shooting

  the police searched his motel room and found a letter

  The letter was addressed to Jody Foster

  a young movie actress.

  In the letter he explained that he wanted to shoot the President in order to impress Miss Foster and make her pay attention to him.

  The police later discovered that Hinckley had a history of emotional problems.

  11. What had happened to Ronald Reagan in March of 1981?

  12. What was Reagan doing when the thing happened?

  13. Who was Jody Foster?

  Passage Five

  If you had been alive 200 years ago

  and perhaps had stolen only a few loaves of bread

  you would have been sent to prison.

  If you had killed someone

  something far worse would have happened to you.

  You would have been hanged in public.

  Life was hard and often brutal

  So was the law.

  Perhaps it had to be.

  If you had lived in a large city like London

  and if you had walked through the streets at night

  someone might have killed you only in order to get your money.

  Prisons have of course gotten much better in the last 200 years.

  But conditions are still far from perfect.

  If you were in a prison in many countries

  you would probably be living in a small cell.

  You would probably be sharing it with at least two other people.

  Many people say

  "Why should criminals have any better condition?

  They shouldn't have broken the law in the first place."

  14. What was life like 200 years ago?

  15. What was the law like 200 years ago?

  16. What does the author think of the conditions of prisons in the last 200 years?

  Passage Six

  If we didn't eat,we couldn't keep our bodies alive.

  We couldn't grow

  we couldn't have energic

  and various parts of our body couldn't function as they must.

  Modern scientists have been able to find out which substances in food our bodies need

  and how much of these substances we need to be healthy.

  In other words,it isn't enough just to eat

  we must take in enough of each type of food substance for a specific purpose.

  Protein food such as milk,eggs,cheese

  meat and fish contain large quantities of the kind of material the body needs to build cell

  The body cann't make new cells without proteic.

  Carbohydrates are foods which have a large quantity of starch or sugar

  such as potatoes,flour,rice,and sugar.

  They are important to the body because they keep it warm and give it energic .

  Almost all foods also have some fat

  and fat is the most concentrated energy-giving food the body needs.

  17. What should we do if we want to keep our bodies alive?

  18. What is necessary for the body to make new cells?

  19. What kind of food does flour belong to?

  20. Why are carbohydrates important to the body?
