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PⅠ S1 Topic: the issue to be argued about
S2 Thesis: my opinion of the issue
PⅡ S3 Others arguments about the issue
S4 Detail 1
S5 Detail 2
S6 Writer’s objection
S7 Writer’s own arguments
S8 Detail 1
S9 Detail 2
PⅢ S10 Conclusion
PⅡ S3 Others arguments about the issue
S4 Detail 1
S5 Detail 2
S6 Concede their validity
S7 Writer’s own arguments
S8 Detail 1
S9 Detail 2


S1: In    recent       years, there is a
The past few
   remarkable increasing
   rowing demand for …
marked change in attitude towards
S2:    play an important part in
   …  become indispensable to …
make an great contribution to
S3:                      shares         idea
   But not everyone        agrees with the  view,
   and it is argued that …, and that…
S4: It seems reasonable to assume that…
   There may be some truth/wisdom in it, but a
   close examination                      reveals
   careful analysis    of the argument       indicates
   how fallacious it is
   it is not borne out by facts…
S5:                valid
  There is no      sufficient   evidence to show that…
S6:                  close to suggest that
   To say … is        to amount to
S7:                    foolish
   And nothing is so     absurd      as the view that …
S8: The truth/ fact is that…
   Rather, the reverse is true.
   Just the opposite is true.
S9:                   least common sense
    Anyone with the     modest knowledge of …   knows that can tell…
S10:              summary
In            conclusion…


My View on Automated Collection Bus
1. 无人售票公共汽车在一些大城市相继出现
2. 你对这种公共汽车的看法

Dear editors:
(1)In recent years more and more automated collection buses are running on the streets of big cities. (2)While they are praised as “ an advance in technology”, I hold an opposite view.
(3)Automated collection buses don’t fit the socioeconomic circumstances of our country. (4)To judge a particular technology, appropriateness is a sole criterion. (5)That’s to say, any technology introduced or solution adopted should take into account the unique economic, ecological, cultural and social conditions within which a specific problem exists. (6)For example, bicycles can provide more efficient transportation than automobiles in congested cities, and “barefoot doctors” in large rural areas may meet more health needs than highly sophisticated hospitals. (7)The same applies automated collection buses. (8)In a labor-rich country where more and more people are laid off because there are not enough jobs available, people-oriented machines are more suitable than technology-oriented ones. (9)Ordinary buses can not only offer a large number of job opportunities but also create a homey atmosphere which is badly needed in an increasingly impersonal society.
(10)For these reasons, I don’t think that the automated collection bus is appropriate in our country, at least at present.

If There Were No Advertisement
1. 有的人认为广告完全没有必要
2. 有的人认为我们的社会离不开广告
3. 我的观点
(1)Nowadays, advertisement can be found everywhere in a big city such as Shanghai. (2)They shout at us from the television screen and radio loudspeakers, wave to us from every page of the newspaper, signal to us from the roadside billboards all day and flash messages to us in coloured lights all night.
(3)Faced with a flood of advertisements, some people wonder whether it is necessary to have such huge sums spent on advertising. (4)They often cite in illustration of it the attractive, but false and deceptive advertisements to which many consumers fall victim. (5)They suggest that since advertising is an entirely unproductive industry and may even harm the customers’ interest, why don’t we stop advertising and use the money to reduce the price of goods? (6)It sounds like a good idea, but they fail to notice the contribution advertising makes to our society. (7)Because the production of a better product to compete for customers’ money is the goal of advertisers, customers’ money are thus given a chance to compare their products and get the best and cheapest one. (8)Besides, as the advertisement can provide people with a lot of immediate and detailed information as to the availability of a certain product, or a service or a job, it makes life much more convenient. (9)And another thing we mustn’t forget: the fact that we pay so little for our daily newspapers and TV programmes is due entirely to the money spent by advertisers.
(10)Advertising performs such a useful service to our society that we can’t imagine what would happen if there were no advertisement.

On Birth Control
1. 有的人不赞成一个家庭一个孩子的政策
2. 有的人认为一个孩子的政策完全有必要
3. 我的观点
(1)After two decades of a baby boom, China make it a practice in the early 1970s that one family can only have one child. (2)It is quite necessary considering the greater pressure the country feels from the fast increasing number of people.
(3)Yet ever since then, people at home and abroad have voiced different opinions about it.(4) Most people say that we should turn to strict birth control as we are approaching the limit of the number of people the nation can support adequately. (50But there are others who argue that if birth control is imposed on the population, the future of the Chinese would be seriously endangered. (6)They think that very intelligent people would be more likely to have fewer children, and this would bring about a lowering of the general level of intelligence in the population. (7)This argument, does not hold water.(8) For they fail to recognize that in addition to gene, intelligence also depends on an adequate diet, a good education and a decent home environment. (9)And all these things are in danger of being denied as our population is increasing faster than the supply of food, available resources and job opportunities.
(10)If we want to improve the quality of our lives; if we want everyone to be healthy, wealthy and happy; and if we want to see a prosperous, powerful nation in the world, strict birth control is quite essential.


1. It sounds like a good (attractive, palatable) idea (suggestion), but they fail to understand (see, notice)…
2. There is probably an element of truth in the arguments (ideas), but they ignore a more important (basic) fact…
3. Closer examination (analysis), however, suggestions (shows) that this argument (claim, idea) may not be borne out (supported) by the following evidence (facts, examples, statistics).
4. A close (careful) examination (analysis) of these arguments (ideas, suggestions), however, would reveal (suggest, prove) how flimsy (fallacious, groundless) they are.
5. However, logical (sound, forcible)these arguments may be, they don’t make sense (only skim the surface of the problem) when… is viewed the other way (taken into consideration).
6. As opposed to (Contrary to ) the widely (commonly, generally) held idea (belief, view), new studies (facts) challenge (fail to justify) the opinion (view).

PⅠ S1 Topic
    S2 Thesis: My attitude towards it
PⅡ S3 Thesis (more specific)
    S4 Reason 1
    S5 Supporting detail
    S6 Reason 2
    S7 Supporting detail
    S8 Reason 3
    S9 Supporting detail
PⅢ S10 Conclusion
PⅡ S3 Thesis (more specific)
    S4 Reason 1
    S5 Supporting detail 1
    S6 Supporting detail 2
    S7 Reason 2
    S8 Supporting detail 1
    S9 Supporting detail 2


S1: When asked about/it comes to…., a vast majority/a sizable percentage/ a considerable/ proportion of people/college populations/the public answer/claim/believe that…
S2: Contrary to the widely-held/popular belief/thought, I prefer…./think differently.
S3: There are several/a number of reasons for my preference/choice.
S4: First/For one thing/to begin with…..
S5: A good example of this can be provided/cited/offered by…
S6: Second/For another/Another reason is…
S7: Personal experience shows/demonstrates that…
S8: Finally/Perhaps the most important reason is….
S9: There are instances/times when
S10: For all these reasons/Taking all these into Account, it comes as no surprise that/it is small wonder that.

The Job I Like Best
1. 我最喜欢的工作是…
2. 我为什么要选择这个工作
3. 结论
(1)In the past three years of my college life I have never ceased to think what kind of work I shall take up upon graduation. (2)Although my ideas are not consistent, I have now decided on a college teacher as my life-long career.
(3)A variety of reasons have led me to choose this occupation over other more lucrative ones. (4)First, teaching is learning. (5)To make my lectures more constructive and stimulating, I have to read more books, explore new knowledge and gain a better understanding of the world – the very thing I enjoy in my life. (6)Second, teaching means freedom and independence. (7)As a teacher, I’m free to use my own ideas and make my own decisions, a privilege not everyone can have, even those with highly-paid positions. (8)Finally, I like teaching because it offers a certain peace of mind. (9)No more rushing to catch a morning bus, no more anxiety to please a boss, no more worries about your paycheck which is steady, if not handsome.
(10)Nothing, not even a big salary, can equal for the opportunity to continue learning, the satisfaction of being your own boss, and a gentle peace of life.

Why I Choose to Read for a Master’s Degree?
1. 我为什么选择攻读硕士学位
2. 这样做是否值得
3. 结论
(1)Shall I continue to read for a Master degree after college graduation?—a question I have put to myself many times in the last academic year. (2)But the answer is always the same: postgraduate education is something I truly want to do in my life and it is worthwhile.
(3)There are many reasons for my decision to read for postgraduate programs. (4)The main one is that I enjoy learning and gaining knowledge. (5)I remember that as I became a senior student, my desire for further studies felt increasingly strong. (6)The decision was naturally made when I realized I would not be content to simply end my educational career with college level and enter the working world so soon. (7)I decided to stay on the academic assembly line also because of the value of the second degree. (8)In today’s world, where college population grows rapidly, a Master’s degree becomes essential if I wish to compete for a rewarding job. (9)It ensures me a secure future in a society in which more and more college graduates failed to be employed.
(10)For these reasons, I won’t mind spending another three years in the ivory tower, I won’t mind giving up opportunities to make money, I won’t mind sacrificing many beautiful things in this period of my life.
