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  ①Thank you very much for...

  ②I am extremely grateful for...

  ③I realize that the task took you a great deal of precious time.

  ④Thank you very much for your hospitality (kindness).

  ⑤Thank you very much for doing so much to make my trip to Beijing interesting.

  [例1]Room 608, Friendship Hotel

  March 18, 2002

  Dear Sir,

  I am an Englishman, now on a tour in Beijing. This is the first time I am in China. I naturally feel that everything is interesting and strange. Yesterday, when I visited the Great Wall, I was greatly fascinated in this marvelous miracle. Upon my arrival back at the hotel, I found my handbag was missing. There were my passport and a camera in it. I was very worried, feeling that it was completely impossible for me to find it again. At eight oclock in the evening, a young man accompanied by a hotel attendant came to my room with a bag in his hand. I at once recognized that it was my bag. I thanked him heartily for his kindness and offered him a reward of 200 U. S. dollars. But he refused to take even a cent. At my insistence, he told me his name when leaving. He is Zhu Ying of your company. Deeply moved by his selfless spirit, I am writing a letter to commend his noble deed. Please convey my gratitude for him.

  Yours respectfully,

  Jack London


  Dear Prof. Wang,

  Thanks to your letter of recommendation to the CEO of Net Ease. I have been given a place in the editorial department at an encouraging salary. I began work last week and I think that I shall enjoy it very much. Mr. Wu, the CEO had a friendly talk with me this morning. He also mentioned your recommendation. I assured him that I would do my best to live up to your recommendation. Prof. Wang, I want to thank you sincerely for your great kindness. Without your help I couldnt have secured this position. Thank you very much. I will do my best not to let you down.

  Faithfully yours,

  Li Ming










  (1) Study the following pictures carefully and writes an essay of about 200 words.

  (2) Your essay should meet the following requirements:

  ①Describe the picture.

  ②Deduce the purpose of the drawer of the picture.

  ③Give your comments or suggestions.

  Note: This picture is copied from 21st CENTURY, Dec. 6, 2001 with some change.

  There are three figures in this picture: the parents and the child. Clearly enough, the child is being taken to the task severely by the angry mother, while the father beside is clapping his hands and seemingly urged her to pour all the complaints upon the poor child. Take a look at the child, who is crying her heart out. And youll immediately guess the reason why she is being treated like this. Maybe she has done something wrong, or not finished her homework, or failed a quiz. Sympathizing with the child, I doubt about this kind of way of parent’s nurturing children. Judging from the captions(说明文字)in the picture, we can see what happens between parents and children is actually a reflection of widening generation gap.

  The generation gap is not a new topic, which has been echoing on every continent for ages. Nowadays, many parents complain that their children are increasingly disobedient and rebellious, whereas children think their parents never understand them, forcing them to do what they dont want, and thus hold the least respect for their elders. So what on earth is it that makes the misunderstanding happen?

  To my mind, there are three reasons which I think are worth mentioning. First of all, parents are the very persons responsible for this widening generation gap. Parents tend to regulate their kids by copying standards and criteria, which they themselves were required of when they were the same age. They are always ignorant of the fact that things are changing with time passing by. Second, parents always expect too much from their kids. They want to realize their unfulfilled wishes through their children by giving them a lot of additional work to do. Thus many children and teenagers would attend countless interest classes such as piano class, calligraphy class, drawing class, etc, besides the normal schooling. Many of them do so not out of curiosity but because of pressure. The third reason may go to the children. They should give their parents more understanding that parents do everything not for their own sake, but for the sake of the children themselves. If they dont want to do something, they should tell their parents the reason and try to persuade their parents into agreeing with them instead of keeping silent and acting passively. This will surely cut down on the misunderstanding and promote the mutual understanding, consequently bridging the gap.

  All in all, the relationship between parents and children is integrated and interacts. If one is bothered, the other will feel it.

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