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  (1).I would rather he came tomorrow than today.

  (2).John would rather that she had not gone to the party yesterday evening.

  (3).Don' t live in the world, I would rather( I would just as soon) you die.

  (4).I would rather you go tomorrow.

  (5).I would rather everything hadn' t happened in the past.

  (6).The manager would rather his daughter did not work in the same office.经理宁愿她女儿不与他在同一间办公室工作。

  (7).To be frank,I'd rather you were not involved in the case.坦率地说,我希望你不要卷入这件事。

  (8).You don't have to be in such a hurry.I would rather you went on business first.你没有必要这么着急,我宁愿你先去上班。

  (9).I'd rather you didn't make any comment on the issue for the time being.我倒希望你暂时先不要就此事发表意见。

  (10).Frankly speaking ,I'd rather you didn't do anything about it for the time being.坦白地说,我宁愿你现在对此事什么也不要做。

  (11).Wouldn't you rather your child went to bed early?为什么你不愿让你的孩子早点上床呢?

  (12).I would just as soon you had returned the book yesterday.我真希望你昨天把这本书还了。

  注:①若某人愿自己做某事,would rather后用动词原形

  I would rather stay at home today.

  ②would rather...than...中用动词原形

  I would rather stay at home than go out today.

  五、“had hoped”后的宾语从句中的虚拟语气

  用“had hoped”表示原来希望做到而实际上未能实现的事情,其宾语从句的谓语用“would+动词原形”。

  I had hoped that she would go to the U.S. and study there, but she said she liked to stay in China.我原本希望她到美国去念书,但她说她喜欢留在中国。


  一、“It is (was)+形容词(或过去分词)+that……”结构中的虚拟语气

  在形如“It is (was)+形容词(或过去分词)+that……”结构中,使用某些表示愿望、建议、请求、命令、可能、适当、较好、迫切、紧近、重要等形容词后的主语从句的谓语也用虚拟语气。其表达形式为should +动词原形或省略should直接用动词原形(美国英语中省去should)

  常用的形容词:* natural (自然的), appropriate (适当的),advisable (合适的), preferable (更可取的), better (更好的)* necessary (必须的), important (重要的), imperative (急需的), urgent (急迫的), essential (本质的), vital (必不可少的)* probable (很可能的), possible (可能的)* desirable (极好的)advisable(合理的),compulsory(必须的),crucial(紧急的),desirable(理想的),essential(必要的),imperative(迫切的),incredible(惊人的),necessary(必要的),possible(可能的),strange(奇怪的),urgent(紧迫的)。

  常用的过去分词(Past Participle):* required (需要的), demanded (要求), requested (被请求的), desired (要求)* suggested (建议), recommended (推荐)* orderd (命令)

  1. It is necessary that we (should 可省略,下同)have a walk now.(necessary, should + have) (表示有需要去散步)

  2.It was necessary that we (should) make everything ready ahead of time.(necessary, should + make) (表示有必要事先做好准备)

  3. It is required that nobody (should) smoke here.(required, should + smoke) (表示要求不要在此抽烟)

  4. It is important that every pupil (should) be able to understand therule of school.(important, should + be) (表示重要的是学生都能了解校规)

  5. It's important that we (should) take good care of the patient.(important, should + take) (表示重要的是照顾好病人)

  6. It is natural that she should do so. (形容词natural, should+动词原形do)

  7.It is essential that these application forms be sent back as early as possible.这些申请表应尽早地寄回,这是很重要的。

  8.It is vital that enough money be collected to fund the project.重要的是募集足够的钱,为这个项目提供资金。

  9.It is desired that we(should)get everything ready this evening.希望我们今晚一切都准备就绪。


  10.I don't think it advisable that Tom be assigned to the job since he has no experience.汤姆缺乏经验,指派他做这项工作我认为是不恰当的。

  二、在It is +名词+that…的主语从句中的虚拟语气

  在It is +名词+that的主语从句中,常用虚拟语气,表示建议、命令、请求、道歉、怀疑、惊奇等。这类名词

  有:advice ,decision ,desire ,demand ,idea,motion ,order,pity ,preference ,proposal,recommendation ,


  ⑴、It is my proposal that he be sent to study further abroad.我建议派他去国外进一步学习。







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