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  Videoconferencing is nothing more than a television set or PC monitor with a camera Through the videocenferencing, not only your voice but also your face, the surroundings and any other graphic and phisical __1__ can be captured and transmitted through the communication system with or without wires. Of course, when you go into the details, the technology involved is very __2__ and the subject matter littered with jargon. Such as ISDN (Integrated Services Digital Network), POTS (Plain Old Telephone Service) or the __3__ behind bandwidth, latency and isochrony which are used to explain how videoconferencing works.Good people communication is __4__ in any business, and the more interaction you can achieve, the more likely it is that your __5__ will be the right ones. Videoconferencing not only allows you to speak to people in different locations, but also note __6__ expressions and gestures that let you know what the other person is really thinking. Meetings are made more __7__ by sharing documents and computer applications that a simple telephone cannot __8__.__9__, organizations are discovering the competitive advantages and the power of videoconferencing. With advances in performance, economical pricing, the ability to __10__ essential meeting tools and connectivity to global telephone networks and standardized videoconferencing protocols, videoconferencing is now a practical reality for any organization.

  A) fortunately

  B) effective

  C) images

  D) articulate

  E) facial

  F) manage

  G) decisions

  H) connect

  I) advanced

  J) integrate

  K) progressive

  L) concepts


  N) increasingly

  O) important


  1.选C)。空格中要填的是名词,从后面的......can be captured and transmitted可以选出选项中images和pictures,pictures指“画面,图片”,一般指静态的情景;而文中的意思表达的是实时的电视会议,画面应该是动态的,images可以表示动态的形象,画面,故C)images正确。

  2.选I)。这里应填形容词,修饰the technology。选项中的advanced,progressive,important可以用来修饰the technology,注释1说明了the technology中包含了很多行业术语,是很深奥的,排除important;而progressive“上进的,进步的”,强调寻求更好的,advanced“领先的,有高深的,并非人人都能接受的含义”,根据上下文I)advanced更符合题意。



  5.选G)。由空格后的ones可知,这里应填名词的复数形式。前面提到the more interaction..., the more likely...be the right ones“得到的交互信息越多,你的......就更有可能正确的”。人们通过电视会议谈判协商,了解得信息越多,自己的判断,决策才会更正确。故这里应填G)decisions。concepts“概念”是打扰项,这里和概念无关。

  6.选E)。此处应填形容词。由上文Videoconferencing not only allows you to speak to people in different locations“视频会议不仅可以让你与不同地方的人说话”,...expressions and gestures that let you know what the other person is really thinking.“......表情和姿态,从而让你知道他们的真实想法”,很明显修饰expressions的应该是facial,意思是“面部表情”。

  7.选B)。此处要填形容词,与more构成形容词比较级结构。从后文by sharing documents and computer application“通过共享文档和计算机应用,会议能更加......”,这里电话会议的优势,也是其目的,即提高效率,故这里应填B)effective。K)progressive“进步的”并不是电话会议要达到的目的,故排除。



