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  第十九篇: Error Correction (15 minutes)

  Pronouncing a language is a skill. Every normal person is expert in the skill of pronouncing his own language, and --71-- few people are even moderately proficient at pronouncing foreign languages. Now there are many reasons about this, --72--some obvious, some perhaps not so obvious. But I suggest that the fundamental reason why people in general do not speak foreign languages very better than they do is that --73--they fail to grasp the true name of the problem of learning to pronounce, and consequently never set about tackling it by the right way. Far too many people fail to realize --74-- that pronounce a foreign language is a skill, one that --75--needs careful training of a special kind, and one that cannot be acquired by just leaving it to take care of himself. --76--I think even teachers of language, while recognizing the importance of a good accent, tend to neglect, in their practical teaching, the branch of study concerning with speaking the --77--language. So the first point I want to make is that English pronunciation must be taught; the teacher may be prepared to --78--devote some of the lesson time to this, and by his whole attitude to the subject he should get the student to feel that here is a matter worth of receiving his close attention. --79--So, there should be occasions where other aspects of English, --80--such as grammar or spelling, are allowed for the moment to take a secondary place.



  72. about→for。reason与介词for搭配,表示“……的原因”。

  73. very better→very much better。very不能修饰形容词的比较级,只能用much,far, very much, a lot, any, no, rather, a little, a bit修饰。

  74. by→in。by the way:顺便说一下;in the right way:以正确的方式,又如:in your own way:以自己的方式。

  75. pronounce→pronouncing。在that 引导的宾语从句中主语是动名词短语pronouncing a foreign language,原形动词(这里为pronounce)不能作主语。

  76. himself→itself。one在本句中不是指人,所以其反身代词可用itself,而不用himself。

  77. concerning→concerned。be concerned with:关于,如:The book is chiefly concerned with history。concerning作分词用,意为“涉及到”,此处不仅词义不当,而且concering后绝不能加with。

  78. may→should。may表示推测、请求、允许或祝愿:should表示义务、建议、惊奇、推测等。这里讲的是老师的义务,故应该为should。

  79. worth→worthy。 worth可用在两个结构中,后面跟ing形式。1)用先行词it作主语,如:it isn't worth getting upset。2)用名次或代词作主语,如:The book is not worth reading. worthy 多用于worthy of + n. or be worthy to + v. 结构中,也可用作定语,如:a cause worthy of support/ a man who is worthy to have a place in the team/ a worthy winner。

  80. where→when。occasion是指动作发生的时机而不是地点,故应用表示时间的副词引导的定语从句修饰occasion。

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