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71. consensus n. 意见一致> If everyone consents to something, they reach a consensus.
72. consequent a. (作为后果) 随之发生的 lack of electricity and the ~ loss in economy
73. conserve v. 保护, If you conserve something, you use it carefully and will not waste it. >In winter some people ~ energy by lowering the heat at night.
74. consolidate v. 巩固
75. conspicuous a. 显眼的 The girl in red in the snow field is very ~.
76. contaminate v. 污染 If you ~ something, you make it dirty.
77. contemplate v. 沉思; 凝视 >You must ~ the results of the action.
78. contempt n. 轻视 >Before the competition, Williams held the little known player in contempt.
79. contend v. 主张=assert > The lawyer contends that the man is guilty.
80. contradict v. 相矛盾
81. contrive v. 谋划, 图谋>The terrorists ~d to hijack a plane.
82. converge v. 会合, 聚集 (meet at a common point) The two rivers converge here.
83. cordial a. 热情的
84. corrupt a./v. 腐败的; 腐蚀 ~ officials
85. cozy a. 舒适的 a ~ bedroom
86. counterpart n. 对应的人或物
87. criterion n. 标准 =standard
88. curb v. 控制, 约束=restrain /restrict/> I my curbed my appetite for food.
89. cynical a. 愤世嫉俗的> a ~ young man is a angry young man
90. dazzle v. 眩目;使赞叹不已> The sunlight dazzles me./ Her dance ~d me.
91. deduce v. 推断
92. dedicate v. 献给
93. defendant n. 被告
94. deficiency n. 缺乏, 不足 a vitamin ~ in his diet
95. defy v.(公然) 违抗 The union defied the management and went on a strike.
96. degenerate v. 退化
97. degrade v. 降低身份
98. deprive v. 剥夺 You ~d him of his right to privacy.
99. descendant n. 后代
100. destiny n. 命运=fate
101. destructive a. 破坏性的 The weapon has a great ~ power.
102. deteriorate v. 恶化 His health has ~d.
103. deviate from v. 偏离 He ~d from the society by becoming a drug addict.
104. dignity n. 尊严
105. dilemma n. 困境 A doctor’s ~ ----- to lie or to tell the truth?
106. diminish v. 变少
107. disable v. 丧失能力
108. disastrous a. 灾难性的
109. discern v. 看出, 识别 ~ the differences of the two
110. dispatch v. 派遣;发送> ~ a representative/ message
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