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来源:恩波 2008-6-5 10:35:59 考试吧:中国教育培训第一门户 模拟考场


  Should We still Cherish Chinese Traditional Virtues

  Today’s youth do things in their own ways, spend money on whatever they want and talk to people in their own languages——personality development is 1overstated by young people these days. To some of them, personality means to be totally different from who their parents used to be.

  But the problem is that during their pursuit of their personal goals they ignore some of the traditional virtues of which their 1forefathers were proud. Take the question of 2fidelity to elders for example. With better education and different experiences, some young people find it’s hard to agree with their parents any longer. They have a feeling of superiority and even sometimes 3turn their back on their elder parents.

  To me, personality development and traditional virtues 1have nothing to do with right or wrong. In our society, we need them both. These virtues help you to become a better Chinese, while personality development will improve your own character.










  3turn one’s back on:意为“背弃,抛弃”




  1have nothing to do with:意为“ 与……无关”


  Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a short essay entitled Change of Entrance Exams for Graduate Schools. You should write at least 150 words based on the chart and outline given below:





  This graph is about the increase of the numbers of people taking part in the 1entrance exams for graduate schools. From it we can see that during the first five years, from 1997 to 2002, the change is gradual. In 1997 there were 500,000 people, while in 2002 there were 1,500,000, showing an increase of one million people. But during the second five years, from 2002 to 2007, the growth is sharp——2.5 million, with 4 million people sitting the exams in 2007.

  The reasons for this change may be as follows. First, 1999 was the starting year of 1the college expansion plan, which obviously means that after four years, in 2003, more students graduated from universities and colleges. Secondly, as the competition to find a satisfactory job has become more severe in recent years, to be equipped with a higher degree improves the chances of applicants finding a better job. Thirdly, not only new graduates feel the competition but also some people who already have a job. In order to get a promotion or to perform better in their jobs, lots of them returned to the 2battle field to fight for better career prospects.




  1entrance exams for graduate school:意为“研究生入学考试”




  1the college expansion plan:意为“高校扩招”

  2battle field: 意为“战场”







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