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  d) 用于表示国籍、民族的名词前。例如:

  the British the Chinese

  the Dutch the English


  (the) Russians (the) Italians

  (the) Arabs (the) Scots

  c) 用于表示地区的名词前。例如:

  the Middle East the Far East

  the north of England (但是:northern England)

  f) 不用于街道、建筑等名词前,但有 of 介词短语修饰时,需用the。例如:

  Broadway Red Square

  the Tower of London the Great Wall of China

  Sam lives on l2th Street.

  They changed the name of Sixth Avenue to the Avenue of Americas.

  g) 用于河流、海洋、群岛、山脉、海峡、海湾名词前。例如:

  the Mississippi the Atlantic

  the Philippine Islands the Andes

  the English Channel the Persian Gulf


  Sicily (Mount)Etna

  h) 不用于大学名称前,但有 of 介词短语修饰时,需用the。例如:

  Yale University Oxford University

  the University of North Carolina

  i) 不用于杂志名词前,但用于报纸名词前。例如:

  Newsweek Natural History

  the Daily News the Washington Post


  A.Fill in the blanks with the where necessary:

  1. Thames, Seine and Rhine are famous rivers.

  2. Samuel Johnson who was a professor of Columbia University was not Samuel Johnson who was a famous English writer.

  3. Andes are in South America, and Alps are in Europe.

  4. Wool of which this suit is made comes from Australian sheep.

  5. Wool is one of chief exports from Australia.

  6. He remembers London of past and says it was gayer than London of today.

  7. Gulf of Mexico and Caribbean Sea are really part of Atlantic Ocean.

  8. Macy’s (商店名) is on 34th Street between Broadway and Seventh Avenue.

  9. Mr Jenkins reads Daily Telegraph but his wife reads Times.

  10. Frank is a student at Liverpool University.

  B.Translate the following into English:

  1.大英博物馆 2.苏伊士运河 3.这两个词的区别

  4.威尔逊一家 5.在第一排 6.1949年 7.在1935年秋天







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