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  Cross out articles that are unnecessary in the following passage:

  The people everywhere in the world might say, “When the strangers do not understand the customs that we follow, they are confused and do not understand what is happening.” The good manners are different in the different parts of the world. In many places, for example, accepting the gifts or anything important with the left hand shows the bad manners and even the rudeness. People with the good manners accept the important things with the both hands or at least with the right hand. Using the left hand to accept the important things shows not only the discourtesy (无礼,失礼) but also shows that the person who is accepting thinks the thing being given is worthless. In the Europe and the North America, however, the people do not follow this custom and give and receive with either hand without thinking about the meaning of what they are doing.


  标点符号 (Punctuation Marks) 主要用来明确语句的含义,标示一个句子或句子中各个成分的起止,以及彼此间的语法或语义上的关系。常用的标点符号有:

  i) 句号 ( . ) (Period, Full Stop)

  ii) 问号 ( ? ) (Interrogation Mark)

  iii) 感叹号 ( ! ) (Exclamation Mark)

  iv) 逗号( , ) (Comma)

  v) 分号( ; ) (Semicolon)

  vi) 冒号( : ) (Colon)

  vii) 破折号 ( — ) (Dash)

  viii) 括号( [ ] ) (Parentheses)

  ix) 引号 ( “ ” )(Quotation Marks)

  x) 连字号 ( - ) (Hyphen)

  xi) 撇号( ’ ) (Apostrophe)

  xii) 删节号 (…) (Ellipsis)

  上列标点符号,可归纳为三种情况:i) — iii) 用于句尾;iv) — ix) 用于句中;x) —xi)用于词内。最后一个符号常用于引文中,表示删掉一些文字。


  1) 逗号 (Comma)


  a) 并列的词或句子。例如:

  Solids , liquids and gases can be changed from one to another.

  From l926 until his death in l953, Thorpe lived a poor , lonely , unhappy life.

  There’s only enough room for people to walk in , take one of the eleven inserts , roll them together , slip a rubber band around them and slide them into a plastic bag.

  The present is living , the past dead , and the future unknowable.

  b) 状语(包括从句,动词-ing形式,独立结构,不定式短语,介词短语等)。例如:

  When water is heated , it will be changed into vapour.

  John , seeing that his brother was hurt , ran to help him. 或Seeing that his brother was hurt , John ran to help him.

  Work is done , even by a force acting at a distance.

  To make the trip more exciting for the kids , Oscar kept the destination a secret.

  After the heartbreaking experience , Thorpe turned to professional sports.

  c) 非限定形容词从句或插入语。例如:

  At l0 a.m.we arrived at the railway station , where Jane was waiting for us.

  You know , of course , what a phrasal verb is. I needn’t , therefore , explain it now.

  d) 呼语、同位语。例如:

  George , tell Dick the answer to the question.

  He was a direct descendant of the famous warrior chief , Black Hawk.







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