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  56. "not…because…",有时可否定前面,有时可否定because本身,往往出现歧义。应根据上下文面判定。

  In 1600 the earth was not the center of the universe because the majority then supposed it was; nor, because she had more readers, was Ella wheeler Wilcox a better poet than Father Hopkins.

  57. "so…that, such…that"是一个普通的句型,但在同一个句子里有两处使用它却比较少见。

  The truth is, that in one point of view, this matter of national literature has come to such a pass with us, that in some sense we must turn bullies, else the day is lost, or superiority so far beyond us, that we can hardly say it will ever be ours.

  58. "by doing…"结构。这个结构的意思是"通过(做)……",但翻译实践中不能拘泥于这种释义,不少情况下需要灵活变通。

  The hippos, by depositing dung in the water, fed the fish that support the storks that destroy the rare trees.

  59. 下面例句为一倒装句,主语很长,而且又含有非常复杂的句型。这是以形容词作表语的倒装,翻译实践中多把倒装部分译到最前面。

  No less obvious is the fact there are great numbers of people so constituted or so brought up that they cannot get so much pleasure out of processes and experiences resulting in a poorer life less full of meaning.

  60. "what…of"句型

  I can not say of myself what Johnson said of Pope: He never passed a fault unamended by indifference, nor quitted it by despair. I do not write as I do; I write as I can.

  61. 英语的一个习惯用法是:当否定谓语think(believe)时,实际上是否定其后面的宾语从句。否定就落在宾语从句上。这样宾语从句就变成了双重否定,译时可以按双重否定译,也可按肯定来译。

  It is a valuable work. I do not think anyone writes so well that he cannot learn much from it.

  62. "to have not…(as) to see…"中的不定式也有否定意味。

  He had not the good breeding to see that simplicity and naturalness are the truest marks of distinction.

  63. "It occurred to sb. that…"意为"突然想到","It dawned on sb.that…"."突然想起"等。 从句是想起的内容。

  I remember once being on a bus and looking at a stranger. He suddenly looked back at me-i.e.our eyes met. My instinctive reaction was to avert my gaze. It occurred to me that if I had continued to maintain eye contact, I would have been rude and aggressive.

  64. "It follows that…"="It happens as a result…"常常被译为"由此可见","因此","从前","可以推断"等等。

  It follows that the housewife will also expect to be able to have more leisure in her life without lowering her standard of living. It also follows that human domestic servants will have completely ceased to exist.

  65. "that's all there is to it",意思是"也不过如此而已"。可根据上下文视情况处理。

  If I'm touched, I'm touched-that's all there is to it.

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