数 词(3-3~4-1)
表示数目的词称基数词。15 fifteen,几百几千不加s,242 two hundred and forty-two,5058 five thousand and fifty-eight,9,600,000 nine million six hundred thousand
6+8=14 Six plus eight is fourteen.
9-7=2 Nine minus seven is two.
7X5= 35 Seven times five is thirty-five.
8÷4=2 Eight divided by four is two.
He died in his fifties.
This took place in 1990s/1990s.
The professor became successful in his thirties.
1700 seventeen hundred
1814 eighteen fourteen
9:20 nine twenty
11:30 eleven thirty/ half past eleven
5:45 five forty-five/ a quarter to six
88760231 eight eight seven, six zero two, three one
Number six, line 4, page 19, Bus(No.) 332, Platform (No.) 5, Room 101
A one-month-old baby can recognize its mother by smell.
This eleven-month-old baby can speak a few words.
(The baby is eleven months old.)
The teacher asked us to write a four-thousand-word essay as our homework.
(There are four thousand words in the essay.)
This four-paragraph essay is too difficult for me to understand.
(There are four paragraphs in this essay. )
表示顺序的词称为序数词。如first, second, third, fourth, ninth, twenty-first, forty-fifth等。
序数词可以用来表示日期和世纪。May the first / the first of May(5.1), August the eighth / the eighth of August(8.8), the twentieth century, the twenty-first century
The first of October is our National Day.
She was the third to arrive.
Theyll have to do it a second time.
Shall I ask him a third time?
When he sat down , a fourth man rose to ask.
two-thirds(2/3),one-third(1/3), nine-tenths (9/10), five-twelfths(5/12)。
特殊表达法有:one half (1/2),a quarter (1/4), three quarters (3/4)
数词部分需特别注意dozen, hundred, million, billion 等词。表示具体数字时,这些词用单数形式,表示不具体的数字时,须用dozens of, hundreds of 这类的结构。
I want three dozen of these.
He has been there dozens of times.
It is reported that _____ people in this area were saved in the storm.
A. hundred B. hundred of C. hundreds of D. some hundreds
(答案 C)
The homework for the next period is to write a two-hundred-word composition about your hometown.
Mary is a eleven-year-old girl.
(Mary is eleven years old.)
美好明天 在线课程 |
科目 | 主讲 老师 |
直播 试听课 |
教材 精讲班 教材精讲班 15课时
(1)对教材中所有知识点进行系统讲解 (2)根据近年考试规律对知识点进行重要程度标注(必考/常考/可考或1星/2星/3星等,不同科目略有差异) (3)核心知识点配备模拟题和历年真题进行实战练习 |
重要考点 密训班 重要考点密训班 5课时
(1)总结、提炼重要、核心必考考点,剔除非重要考点 (2)配套密训试题,将考点变考分 |
VIP密训 密卷班 教学时长:3课时
(1)逐题精讲3套核心试卷,列出涉及考点,学会利用知识点答题 预测考试重点方向,巩固答题技巧 强化解题思维 构建成套解题思维 (2)历年真题题库:逐题配备文字、视频解析,了解最新命题趋势,实战训练巩固知识点 |
考前5页 A4纸 考前5页A4纸密押:核心必考点精华集合,
5星重要,是老师们呕心沥血总结出来的, 全部背会,确定再次提分,你懂得! |
报名 |
![]() |
![]() |
![]() |
![]() |
课程安排 | 15课时/科 | 5课时/科 | 3套卷/科 | 5页纸/科 | ||||
专升本 | 政治 | 大雄 | 报名 | |||||
英语(专升本) | Oriana | 报名 | ||||||
高等数学(一) | 开耕 | 报名 | ||||||
高等数学(二) | 开耕 | 报名 | ||||||
民法 | 肖潇 | 报名 | ||||||
大学语文 | 小元 | 报名 | ||||||
教育理论 | 五月 | 报名 | ||||||
医学综合 | 梦茹,鸿儒 | 报名 | ||||||
艺术概论 | 猗猗 | 报名 | ||||||
高起点专本 | 语文 | 小元 | 报名 | |||||
英语(高起点) | Oriana | 报名 | ||||||
数学(理) | 开耕 | 报名 | ||||||
数学(文) | 开耕 | 报名 |
在线课程 |
56%学员选择 |
38%学员选择 |
6%学员选择 |
适合学员 | ①零基础/多次考试未通过 ②需要全面系统学习 ③自学能力不足/喜欢陪伴式学习(需要全程督学/希望名师领学的学员) ④希望一次顺利录取 |
①首次报考/往年裸考 ②备考时间紧张/答题无思路 ③需要快速提分和高效掌握考试重难点的学员 ④实务较弱,需要提升做题能力 |
①自学能力强 ②能根据老师讲课内容自主总结考试重点 |
在线课程 |
56%学员选择 |
38%学员选择 |
6%学员选择 |
适合学员 | ①零基础/多次考试未通过 ②需要全面系统学习 ③自学能力不足/喜欢陪伴式学习(需要全程督学/希望名师领学的学员) ④希望一次顺利录取 |
①首次报考/往年裸考 ②备考时间紧张/答题无思路 ③需要快速提分和高效掌握考试重难点的学员 ④实务较弱,需要提升做题能力 |
①自学能力强 ②能根据老师讲课内容自主总结考试重点 |
VIP三位一体课程体系 | 学 | 教材精讲班 | |||
重要考点密训班 | |||||
练 | VIP密训密卷班 | ||||
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