Part I Reading Comprehension
Passage 1
In order to learn a foreign language well, it is necessary to overcome the fear of making mistakes. If the primary goal of language use is communication ,then mistakes are secondary considerations that may be dealt with gradually as awareness of those mistakes increases.
On the other hand, students should not ignore their mistakes. The language learner may observe how native speakers express themselves, and how native expressions differ from the way the learner might say them. For example, a Spanish speaker who has been saying "I do it" to express willingness to do something in the immediate future ,could, by communicating with native speakers of English, observe that native speakers actually say "I' 11 do it". This difference can serve as a basis for the student to change his way of using the present tense in English. But a student who is unwilling to communicate in the first place would lose this opportunity to learn by trial and error.
1. According to the passage, the present tense in English is _____.
A. not used to express a desire to do something in the immediate future
B. used with some verbs but not with others to express future intention
C. basically the same in English as it is in Spanish
D. not the most difficult problem for foreign students
答案:A 细节题。文章中提到:“西班牙人讲英语的时候用“I do it”表示在不久的将来做某事的愿望,而以英语为母语的英国人则用“I’ll do it”来表示”。所以通过和native speaker的交流,就可以体会到英语中的一般现在时不用来表示“将来做某事的愿望”。因此只有A正确。
2. According to the passage, language learners can reduce the number of their mistakes by __.
A. asking native speakers for explanations
B. reading good books in the foreign language
C. comparing their speech with that of native speakers
D. speaking without regard to native speakers
答案:C细节题。文章中提到:西班牙人通过和英国人的交流发现了自己使用一般现在时的错误,因此可以得出结论,我们可以通过和native speaker的交流来发现自己语言中的错误。A,B,D都是错的。
3. According to the passage, foreign language students who do not communicate with native speakers will NOT _____.
A. learn very much about the foreign society
B. learn about the history of the foreign language
C. have to worry about making mistakes
D. take advantage of available language
答:D 细节题。首先,文章中并没有提到:“学生如果不和native speaker交流的话,就没有机会了解国外的社会、语言的历史,以及用不着担心出错这样的内容,因此A,B,C都是错误的。只有D是正确的。即:“学习外语的学生如果不和native speaker进行交流的话,就不能充分利用现成的语言。”
4. According to the passage, foreign language students should not worry too much about making mistakes because _____.
A. native speakers like foreign students who try to learn their language
B. communication is the primary goal of language learning
C. native speakers will ignore their mistakes
D. everyone makes mistakes when trying to communicate in a strange language
答案:B 细节题。文章第二句:“If the primary goal of language use is communication, then mistakes are secondary considerations that may be dealt with gradually as awareness of those mistakes increases.因此如果交流是学习语言的主要目的的话,那么学生就用不着过分担心犯错误。所以只有B是正确的。
5. The author's major conclusion about the function of mistakes in foreign language learning is that _____.
A. mistakes are not important in the process of learning a language
B. learners are often very afraid of making mistakes
C. making mistakes can help the learner discover the rules of the language
D. native speakers often do not tell foreign language learners about their mistakes
答案:C逻辑推理题。文章的最后一句话的意思是“一个不愿意用语言交流的学生会失去在错误中学习的机会。前面又列举了像西班牙人在和native speaker的交流中才发现一般现在时的使用不当。因此犯错误能帮助学习者发现语言的规律。
Passage 2
The Chinese have used a method called acupuncture(针灸)to perform operations for about 4,000 years without putting the patient to sleep. This involves placing flexible needles into certain parts of the body. The needles are available in a number of stores in China and anyone may buy them.
To learn how to use the needles takes about one month of training. But to be skillful requires greater time. The person who performs the acupuncture knows how to put in the needles so the needles themselves are not painful. This person also knows where to place the needles so the patient feels no pain in the area where the operation is to be performed. A particular operation might require 25 or more needles placed in various parts of the body. But now this operation requires only 3 or 4 needles.
Today, the Chinese doctors are trying to learn more about acupuncture. They are trying to develop a convincing theory to explain how the needles work in preventing pain, or why a needle in the wrist, for example, would prevent the pain in the area of the mouth.
A patient who needs an operation is given a choice between having acupuncture or having one of the chemicals used for putting him to sleep. It has been estimated that over half of the patients choose acupuncture because there is no sickness after the operation because the chemical may make the patient sick for a few hours or a day.
6. Acupuncture is _____.
A. a medical operation B. a medical needle C. a medical technique D. a medical machine
答案:A 细节题。答案在第一段的第一句话:“中国人用针灸进行手术已经有4000年的历史了”,因此可以断定针灸是个医学手术。
7. Which statement is not true of the performer of acupuncture?
A. He knows where to place the needles without pain.
B. He knows where the operation is to be performed.
C. He knows how to perform the operation to cure the patient.
D. He knows how to use the needles in an operation.
答案:C细节题。答案在第二段的第三句话和第四句话。“The person who performs the acupuncture knows how to put in the needles so the needles themselves are not painful. This person also knows where to place the needles so the patient feels no pain in the area where the operation is to be performed.”针灸的医生知道如何扎针,针就不会疼;同时知道把针放在什么位置病人就不会感觉痛。因此A,B,D都符合文章的内容。但是并没有提到他知道如何进行手术来治好病人。只有C是错误的。
8. To learn how to use the needles, it takes a person _____.
A. several months B .a couple of weeks C. a life time D. almost one month
答案:D 细节题。答案在第二段的第一句话。“To learn how to use the needles takes about one month of training.”学会针灸要花费一个月的时间进行培训。
9. It can be learned from the passage that _____.
A. the person performing the acupuncture knows a lot about the making of needles
B. an operation now needs fewer needles than in the past
C. acupuncture has existed in China for as long as 2,000 years
D. few patients prefer acupuncture to chemicals
答案:B细节题。A,C,D均不符合文章的内容.从文章第二段的最后两句话“A particular operation might require 25 or more needles placed in various parts of the body. But now this operation requires only 3 or 4 needles.”说明 如今针灸手术比过去用的针少了,只有B 符合题意
10. Which is implied but not stated in the passage?
A. The Chinese mainly use acupuncture to cure strange disease.
B. The Chinese are learning to be more skillful and efficient in acupuncture.
C. The Chinese have spread acupuncture all over the world.
D. Most Chinese patients prefer acupuncture to chemicals in curing diseases.
答案:B 逻辑推理题。从文章的内容来看,A,C,D均不符合。从文章 第二段开始谈到针灸时用的针比过去减少了;第三段又说医生正在学习更多的针灸知识;例如:他们正在试图总结一些可信的理论,针如何能减轻痛苦?为什么把针扎在腰上而能减轻嘴部的疼痛?最后一段又谈到,据估计一半多的病人愿意选择针灸治疗,因为针灸可以除病。因此可以断定:中国人的针灸技术越来越精湛,越来越有效。B是正确答案
Passage 3
Is teaching important? Well, of course it is. There was a time when the necessary knowledge could be taught to the young by family members. But as societies became more complex and division of labor more common, it was impossible for family members to teach the information and skills young people needed to become useful members of the society. As the need for specialists appeared, the job of teaching came into being in our county, and teaching as a job has been of increasing importance over the past hundred years. Today, we have strict rules for teachers. We hope all children can attend schools. Many things tell us that teaching is indeed an" important" job.
In recent years, there has been an increasing need for teachers to be "responsible". This means that the public expects teachers to succeed in teaching important information to the young. Teachers' salaries today, while not much, certainly are much higher than they were in past year. These increases have come about because people have realized that without enough salaries, people who have abilities will not become teachers. Today almost no one says that" anybody will do "for a teacher. The public expects" quality people "to teach the young, and progress is being made to give salaries that will make people who have abilities become teachers.
11. Before the job of teaching came into being, _____.
A. family members had been responsible for the education of the young
B. specialists had been in charge of teaching young people
C. young people had had to be self--educated
D. the society had played an important role in educating young people
答A 细节题。通过第一段的第三句话可以断定:在有教师的工作之前,家庭成员负责孩子们的教育是正确的
12. The job of teaching came into being mainly because of _____.
A. the development of the society B. the explosion of information
C. the need for specialists D. the civilization of human beings
答案:C 细节题。第一段中谈到:随着社会的发展,社会分工的普遍,家庭成员已经无法满足孩子们对知识、技术的需求,因此在这种情况下,特别需要专业人员,教师这个职业就应运而生了。所以教师职业的出现主要原因是对专业人员的需求。
13. Teachers’salaries are raised today in order to _____.
A. show the importance of teaching as a job
B. attract more qualified people to become teachers
C. make teachers" responsible" in their teaching
D. improve the quality of public teaching
答案:B 细节题。通过文章的最后一句话可以断定:增加教师的工资是为了吸引高素质的人当教师。
14. "Anybody will do" for a teacher means that _____.
A. almost all people want to become a teacher
B. a teacher is so highly respected that people all want to help him
C. a teacher will do whatever he can for his students
D. the job of teaching is so easy that everybody can do it
答案:D 语义题。根据上下文“Anybody will do”意思“教师工作太容易了,什么人都能做”。
15. We know from the passage that _____.
A. it is important to be successful in teaching the young
B. enough salaries are necessary in making quality people become teachers
C. greater progress has to be made in teaching
D. teaching is a product of the society's division of labor
答案:B 逻辑推理题。首先A, C, D均不符合文章的内容。第一段的末尾谈到教师是非常重要的工作;第二段又谈到:公众需要“responsible”的教师;“have abilities”的教师来教育下一代。同时人们认识到提高教师的工资待遇才能吸引高素质的人才成为教师。因此我们可以得出结论:“优厚的工资待遇是吸引高素质人才成为教师的必要手段。”只有B是正确的。
Passage 4
Though some people have suggested that women should return to housework in order to leave more jobs for men, the idea has been rejected by both women and men in public opinion polls (民意测验). Lately some union officials have suggested that too many women are employed in type of work more suitable for men and that women should step aside to make way for unemployed young men. They argue that women — especially women in their childbearing years actually delay economic development and result in lower productivity, poor quality and inefficiency.
To solve the problem, they have suggested that the working women stay at home while their husbands or brothers were given double wages. They argue that under these circumstances, families would retain their same level of income, and women could run the house and raise children much better.
The suggestion has been rejected by 9 out of 10 people polled. A hundred persons in a big city were questioned last summer. Out of 50 women, 46 said they were unwilling to leave their jobs, no matter what the situation was. The other 4 said they would like to return home if their jobs could be taken by their sons or daughters. Of 50 men polled, only 6 said they would like to see their wives give up their jobs, if it meant higher wages for themselves.
Some other people have suggested another way called “phased employment theory”. The theory suggests that a woman worker take leave from her job when she is seven months pregnant(妊娠)and stay off the job until her baby reaches the age of 3. It suggests that women on leave receive75 percent of their normal salary and be allowed to return to work after the 3--year period. This will benefit children, women, their families and the society. Some of those polled, both women and men, felt the idea is a good one. It definitely seems to be more acceptable than the suggestion that women return to home forever.
16. Some union officials have suggested that women should return home because _____.
A. all of them are employed in unsuitable types of work
B. most skilled male workers are now unemployed
C. their participation in work has a had influence on the economic development
D. nowadays no one can take care of children except women
答案:C 细节题。答案可以在第一段的最后一句话找到,他们认为妇女:尤其是生育期的妇女,阻碍了经济发展,结果导致生产效率低,质量差。因此可以断定:他们认为妇女应该回家的理由是妇女们工作会对经济的发展有不利的影响。C是正确答案。
17. Some union officials have suggested that if women resign their jobs, _____.
A. they should be allowed to attend school to be trained
B. their jobs should be taken over by the male members of their families
C. the male employees in their families should receive double wages
D. their children should also leave their kindergartens
答案:C 细节题。答案在第二段的第一句话,他们建议:如果妇女辞职,她们家庭中的男性雇员应当挣双份工资。
18. According to the passage, the suggestion that women should return to housework was ____.
A. opposed by most men and women B. welcomed by men only
C. welcomed by women only D. welcomed by men and women
答案:A 细节题。答案在第三段。“对50名妇女的调查结果是:46位妇女不愿意辞职回家, 不管是什么情况;4位妇女愿意回家,如果她们的子女能接替他们的工作的话。”“对50名男性的调查结果是:只有6名愿意他们的妻子放弃工作,如果他们的工资能提高的话。”因此,绝大多数男女都反对妇女回家做家务
19. From the passage we can see" phased employment" means _____.
A. two or more women share the same job
B. women stay at home on weekdays and go to work on weekends or holidays
C. a woman should resign her job forever if she has a child
D. women are allowed to take leave from their jobs during their childbearing years
答案:D 细节题。文章的第四段告诉我们,妇女可以在怀孕七个月的时候请假,一直到孩子三岁的时候再来上班。因此妇女生育期间可以请假是正确的。
20. According to the" phased employment" theory, during a woman's leave from her job ___.
A. her work should be done by her husband or brothers
B. either her husband or her brothers will be given double wages
C. her family can still keep the same level of income
D. her family's income level will be a little lower than it normally is
答案:D 细节题。第四段中有一句话“It suggests that women on leave receive-75 percent of their normal salary and be allowed to return to work after the 3---year period.”因此妇女在此期间她的收入比平常要低。
Part II Vocabulary and Structure
21. The _____ of the play is so great that many people want to see it.
A. attention B. attraction C. attempt D. attack
答案:B 。本句的意思是“这个剧目有如此大的吸引力,以至于许多人都想看”attraction:吸引。attention: 注意力。attempt:努力。attack:进攻,袭击。因此只有B最符合题意。
22. Do you think they have _____ food for all these people here?
A. subsequent B. beneficial C. sufficient D. average
23. The old lady _____ on hearing her son’s death.
A. broke in B. broke down C. broke out D. broke away
答案:B。break down: 禁不住痛哭,(身体、精神)垮了。When she heard the news she broke down and cried当她听到这个消息时,她失声痛哭。本句的意思是“当听到她儿子死亡的消息是她放声痛哭。”因此只有B最符合题意。break in:非法闯入。The alarm was ringing when the thieves broke in last night.昨晚窃贼闯入的时候,报警器响了。break out:爆发,突然发生。The economic crisis broke out first in the United States.经济危机首先爆发在美国。break away断绝关系。He broke away from all his old friends.他与所有的老朋友断绝了来往。
24. I have to _____ my visit as I'll be very busy next week.
A. call for B. call on C. call off D. call in
答案:C。call off:取消,停止。The football match was called off on account of rain.足球赛因下雨取消。本句的意思是“我不得不取消我的出访,因为下周太忙了。”只有C最符合题意。call for:要求,需求。This invitation does not call for an answer.这张请贴不要求答复。call on/upon:拜访,访问。I hope to call on you at your office at 4 o’clock this afternoon.我想下午4点到你的办公室去拜访你。call in:召集,请。He called in a mediator to settle the dispute.他请了一位调解员调解这次争执。
25. He has been teaching for 2 years, but being a teacher is not his _____.
A. chance B. character C. attitude D. choice
26. This is a very _____ situation and we don't know how to face it yet.
A. comprehensive B. compound C. complicated D. competent
27. It is _____ for a person in his position to make such a mistake.
A. rare B. less C. little D. few
28. Don't forget _____ the window before leaving the room.
A. to have closed B. to close C. having closed D. closing
答:B。forget+动词不定式作宾语表示动作尚未发生。I am afraid I will forget to give the letter to him.我担心我会忘了把这封信交给他。(动词不定式表示一个发生在forget 之后的一个将来的动作。)forget +动名词作宾语,表示动作已经发生。I forget giving the letter to him.我忘了已经把信给他了。(动名词表示一个发生在forget之前的动作。)类似的动词有remember,regret等。本句的意思是“走的时候别忘了关窗户。”动作还没有发生,因此用动词不定式。
29. You bad better _____ a doctor as soon as possible.
A. seeing B. saw C. see D. seen
答案:C。句型:had better (had best) + 原形不定式 最好; had better (had best)not+原形不定式,最好不要。You had better not go你最好别走。因此只有C符合此用法。
30. The old man is used to _____ early in the morning.
A. exercise B. exercising C. exercised D. exercises
答案:B。be used to doing sth:习惯于做…。句中的to是介词,因此后面接动名词。
31. Before joining the army, he spent a lot of time in the village _____ he belonged.
A. to which B. which C. to where D. at which
答案:A。belong to :属于 。因此选 to which。
32. Do you mean this is the _____ decision you have made after thinking for hours?
A. upright B. ultimate C. total D. tight
答案:B。ultimate:最终的,最后的。Their ultimate destination was Paris.他们最后的目的地是巴黎。本句的意思是:“这就是你经过几个小时的思考后做出的最后决定吗?”因此只有B 最符合题意。upright:挺直的,垂直的。A tall upright old man个头高、腰背挺的老人。total:总的,全部的。The total number of passengers旅客总人数。tight紧的,牢固的。This drawer is so tight that I can’t open it.这抽屉太紧,我开不开。
33. It is because she is very devoted to her students _____ she is respected by them.
A. that B. which C. what D. who
答案:A。本句为强调句型。It is(was)…that/who;who (只能强调人);that(可强调人和物)因为本句是强调原因,所以只能选择A。 又如:It is tomorrow that they will have a meeting.就在明天他们要开会。(强调时间状语)It is they who(that)will have a meeting tomorrow.就是他们明天要开会。(强调人,可以用who或that )
34. I gave John a present but he gave me nothing _____.
A. in return B. in turn C. in advance D. in vain
答案:A。in return(for):作为(对…的)报答(或回报);作为(对…的)交换:What can I do in return for your kindness? 我怎么才能报答你的好意呢?所以只有A最符合题意。in turn:依次,轮流。We’ll cross the bridge in turn.我们将挨个过桥。in advance :预先,事先。You ought to have told me in advance.你本该事先告诉我的。in vain:徒然,白费力。All our work was in vain.我们白干了一场。
35. I cannot tell the _____ difference between the twins.
A. slender B. single C. simple D. slight
答案:D。slight:轻微的,少量的。He speaks English with a slight German accent.他讲英语略带德国口音。slight difference:细微的差别。因此只有D最符合题意。slender:苗条的,修长的,微小的,微薄的。She was slender and had long dark hair.她身材苗条,头发又黑又长。a slender income微薄的收入,slender confidence:欠缺的信心。Single:单一的A single light was burning in the room.房间里点着一盏孤灯。simple:简单的,简易的。The point I am making is a very simple one.我想提出的论点很简单。
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