话题: A good friend
Describe your best friend.
You should say:
how (and when) you first met this person
how often you see this person
what kind of character he or she has
and explain what you usually do together
在笔试的时候,开始答题前我们都要先认真的审题,找对答题的方向,这样才能有的放矢,知道题目想问的是什么,该答的是什么。其实,这也同样适用于英语口语部分。比如当我第一眼看到这个考题的时候,我就应该明白答案的重点应该是在最后一个问题,你需要重点解释的是你们在一起通常干什么。那么这个问题该怎么作答呢?我可以说:我最好的朋友是我的同学Linda, 我们是在上大学的时候认识的,她是一个很真诚、努力、认真的人。由于学业很忙,生活节奏很快,因此,只有周末的时候我们才有时间出去放松一下。所以,我可以说:我们平时都很忙,只有周末才会在一起吃饭、叙叙旧,一般上午去购物,下午去吃欢乐下午茶,晚上去看一场电影。然后寒暑期可以约着一起去野营。那我们能够用到哪些词汇呢?
• Catch up with somebody 和某人叙旧
• Camping in the weekend 去野营
• enjoy the happy hour in a restaurant 欢乐下午茶
• catch a movie 赶一场电影
My best friend is Linda, I met her in the class of university, she helped me a lot and then we become good friends.She is a diligent, honesty and beautiful girl.As we are busy in the weekdays, we can only see each other once a week.Only at weekends can we have time to catch up with each other. We often go to shopping mall in the morning and enjoy the happy hour in a restaurant in the afternoon, then we will go to the KTV or catch a movie at night. During the summer and winter vacations,we often camp out to enjoy the beautiful scenery outside.In a word, I enjoy the time staying with her.
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