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 [A] See yourself as successful. If I could plug into the minds of my patients and listen to the statements they make to themselves, I am convinced that the majority of them would be negative: “I'm running late again as usual.” “My hair looks terrible this morning.”“That was a stupid remark I made—she probably thinks I'm a dummy.”Since thousands of these messages flash across our brains every day, it is small wonder that the result is a diminished self-image.
  [B] Author and editor Norman Cousins wrote: “People are never more insecure than when they become obsessed with their fears at the expense of their dreams.” There is no doubt that if we can envision beneficial things happening, they have a way of actually occurring.

  [C] Stevens finally had a heart-to-heart talk with herself:“I realized that I simply wasn't a wit or an intellectual and that I could succeed only as myself. I began listening and asking questions at parties instead of trying to impress the guests. When I spoke, I tried to contribute, not to shine. Almost at once I started to feel a new warmth in my social contacts. They liked the real me better.” If we are true to our instincts, most of us will find that we naturally develop certain trademarks. The discovery and expression of that uniqueness is one reason we are on this planet. Resisting conformity and developing some small eccentricities are among the steps to independence and self-confidence.

  [D] Many of us get interested in a field, but then the going gets tough, we see that other people are more successful, and we become discouraged and quit. But it is of then the boring, repetitive sharpening of our skills that will ultimately enable us to reach our goal.

  [E] Horace Bushnell, the great New England preacher, used to say, “Somewhere under the stars God has a job for you to do, and nobody else can do it.” Some of us must find our place by trial and error. It can take time, with dead ends along the way. But we should not get discouraged because others seem more skilled. Usually it is not raw talent but drive that makes the difference.

  [F] One daily exercise for building self-confidence is called “imaging” or “visualization”。 In order to succeed, you must see yourself succeeding. Picture yourself approaching a difficult challenge with poise and confidence. Athletes often visualize a move over and over in their minds; they see themselves hitting the perfect golf or tennis shot. When we burn such positive images into our minds deeply enough, they become a part of the unconscious, and we begin to expect to succeed.

  [G] Break away from other people's expectations. It is a liberating step when we decide to stop being what other people want us to be. Although opera singer Rise Stevens performed onstage with great poise, the self-confidence she felt before audiences evaporated in social situation. “My discomfort,” she says, “came from trying to be something I was not-a state in the drawing room as well as onstage. If a clever person made a joke, I tried to top it and failed. I pretended to be familiar with subjects I knew nothing of.”









  Sample Three


  You are going to read a text about the season for relief, followed by a list of examples. Choose the best example from the list A-F for each numbered subheading (41-45)。 There is one extra example which you do not need to use. Mark your answers on ANSWER SHEET 1. (10 points)

  Winter's harsh weather, shorter hours of daylight and family demands can all aggravate feelings of stress. According to Dr. Paul Rosch, president of the American Institute of Stress, one Midwestern headache clinic reported that complaints of tension and migraine headaches increased 40 percent from Thanksgiving to Christmas, compared with other six-week periods during the year.

  Many physicians are now trained in techniques to relieve tension and stress. But which strategies do they themselves use? Here top health professionals reveal their favorite stressbusters. Six in all, they are:
  (41) Soothe with food. When nutritional biochemist Judith Wurtman is stressed out, she does what a lot of people do this time of year: she reaches for food. But in her case, it's a healthy rice cake or two.

  (42) Run from your problem. Dr. Kenneth H. Cooper handles his own stress with a daily afterwork run.

  (43) Check your perspective. Driving in for a busy day as a MayoClinic stress-management expert, psychologist John Taylor saw the oil-maintenance light pop on in his minivan. He faced a nonstop schedule of patients and had to pick up his three-year-old after work. “I felt myself tense up,” recalls Taylor, who then tried his quick stress-busting strategy. He asked himself: Is this a matter of life or death? No. The oil could safely be changed the next week.






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