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Section Ⅰ Use of English
Read the following text. Choose the best word(s) for each numbered blank and mark A, B, C or D on ANSWER SHEET 1. (10 points)
One of the basic characteristics of capitalism is the private ownership of the major means of production capital. The ownership of large amounts of capital can bring 1 profits, as well as economic and political power. Some recent theorists, 2 , have argued that our society has moved to a new stage of 3 that they call “post industrial” society. One important change in such a society is that the ownership of 4 amounts of capital is no longer the only or even the most important 5 of profits and influence; knowledge as well as 6 capital brings profits and influence.
There are many 7 with the thesis above, not the least of 8 is that wealthy capitalists can buy the experts and knowledge they needed to keep their profits and influence. But this does not 9 the importance of knowledge in an advanced industrial society, as the 10 of some new industrial indicates. 11, genetic engineering and the new computer technology have 12 many new firms and made some scientists quite rich. In13 with criticism of the post industrial society thesis, however, it must also be 14 that those already in control of huge amounts of capital (i.e., major corporations) soon 15 to take most profits in these industries based on new knowledge.
Moving down from the level of wealth and power, we still find knowledge increasingly 16. Many new high-tech jobs are being created at the upper-middle-class level, but even more new jobs are being created in the low-skill, low-paying service 17. Something like a caste line is emerging centered around knowledge. Individuals who fall too far behind in the 18 of knowledge at a young age will find it almost impossible to catch later, no matter how hard they try. Illiteracy in the English language has been a severe 19 for many years in the United States, but we are also moving to the point when computer illiteracy will hinder many more people and 20 them to a life of low-skill and low-paid labor.
1.[A]quantitative [B]extensive [C]comprehension [D]sophisticated
2.[A]moreover [B]however [C]therefore [D]nevertheless
3.[A]aggression [B]proficiency [C]productivity [D]evolution
4.[A]dominant [B]impressive [C]magnificent [D]significant
5.[A]source [B]factor [C]component [D]element
6.[A]adequate [B]profitable [C]material [D]spiritual
7.[A]advantages [B]consequences [C]problems [D]potentials
8.[A]them [B]those [C]which [D]that
9.[A]deny [B]refuse [C]admit [D]acknowledge
10. [A]emergence [B]innovation [C]extinction [D]discovery
11. [A]In addition [B]For example [C]Above all [D]In short
12. [A]produced [B]created [C]improved [D]facilitated
13. [A]line [B]need [C]doubt [D]match
14. [A]idealized [B]recognized [C]supervised [D]summarized
15. [A]stepped in [B]settled down [C]leaned over [D]turned out
16. [A]accessible [B]important [C]popular [D]abundant
17. [A]enterprises [B]employment [C]professions [D]industries
18. [A]control [B]mastery [C]search [D]pursuit
19. [A] handicap [B] penalty [C] inconvenience [D] shortcoming
20. [A] enforce [B] punish [C] confine [D] condemn
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