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  Section Ⅰ Use of English


  Read the following text. Choose the best word(s) for each numbered blank and mark A, B, C or D on ANSWER SHEET 1. (10 points)

  There is growing interest in East Japan Railway Co., one of the six companies, created out of the 1 national railway system. In an industry lacking exciting growth 2, its plan to use real-estate assets in and around train stations 3 is drawing interest.

  In a plan called “Station Renaissance”(英文符号)that it 4 in November, JR East said that it would 5 using its commercial spaces for shops and restaurants, extending them to 6 more suitable for the information age. It wants train stations as pick-up 7 for such goods as books, flowers and groceries purchased 8 the Internet. In a country 9 urbanites depend heavily on trains 10 commuting, about 16 million people a day go to its train stations anyway, the company 11. So, picking up purchases at train stations spare 12 extra travel and missed home deliveries.

  JR East already has been using its station 13 stores for this purpose, but it plans to create 14 spaces for the delivery of Internet goods.

  The company also plans to introduce 15 cards—(破折号)known in Japan as IC cards because they use integrated 16 for holding information 17 train tickets and commuter passes 18 the magnetic ones used today, integrating them into a single pass. This will save the company money, because 19 for IC cards are much less expensive than magnetic systems. Increased use of IC cards should also 20 the space needed for ticket vending.

  1. [A] privatized [B] individualized [C] personalized [D] characterized

  2. [A] prospects [B] outlooks [C] expectations [D] spectacles

  3. [A] articulately [B] originally [C] reluctantly [D] creatively

  4. [A] unveiled [B] concealed [C] demonstrated [D] displayed

  5. [A] come round [B] go beyond [C] take over [D] went out

  6. [A] endeavours [B] enterprises [C] functions [D] performances

  7. [A] locations [B] entrances [C] vicinities [D] districts

  8. [A] form [B] above [C] over [D] in

  9. [A] when [B] where [C] which [D] that

  10. [A] of [B] in [C] about [D] for

  11. [A] figures [B] speculates [C] exhibits [D] convinces

  12. [A] clients [B] consumers [C] merchants [D] businesses

  13. [A] conjunction [B] ornament [C] expenditure [D] convenience

  14. [A] dedicated [B] devoted [C] designated [D] destined

  15. [A] clever [B] intelligent [C] ingenious [D] smart

  16. [A] chorus [B] circus [C] circumference [D] circuit

  17. [A] as [B] for [C] with [D] of

  18. [A] as well as [B] instead of [C] more than [D] but for

  19. [A] devices [B] instruments [C] readers [D] examiners

  20. [A] shrink [B] narrow [C] descend [D] reduce


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