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  1.  It is not clear whether the increase in reports is stemmed from greater human activity or    is simply the result of more surveys.

   A. flows                   B. comes                C. derives               D. originates

  2.  This is the sort of case in which judges must exercise the arbitrary power described a moment ago.

  A. avail                    B. use                    C. have                  D. display

  3.  Recent studies have posed the question as to whether there is a link between film violence and real violence.

  A. supposed             B. poised                C. aroused              D. raised

  4.  Floods have undermined the foundation of the ancient bridge.

  A. weakened             B. reached              C. spoiled               D. covered

  5.  A frequently cited example of the endangered species is the panda.

  A. worried                B. neglected            C. reduced              D. mentioned


  1. D

  stem from 起源于。选项A flow 流动;选项C derive得自;选项D originate 起源于。 故答案为D。

  2. B

  这句话的意思是,“对待这类案件,法官必须使用所谓的专制权力”选项A avail 有利, 有用;选项D display 显示。故答案为B。

  3. D

  pose提出(问题)选项B poise使...平衡;选项C arouse激发,激起某人的兴趣;选项D raise 提出, 引起。故答案为D。

  4. C

  undermine 从根基处损害。只有选项C spoil破坏与之相符,故答案为C。

  5. D

  cite引用,引证;选项B neglect疏忽,忽视,不顾。只有选项D与此词相符,故答案为D。


  1.  A neighbor may accuse a man of playing his radio too loudly every night.

  A. quarrel B. hate C. charge D. say

  2.  Can you compress your speech into five minutes due to limited time for the meeting?      

  A. change B. condense C. make smaller D. comprise

  3.  It is clear that more poles are needed to sustain the weight of the tent.

  A. keep B. attain C. retain D. support

  4.  She is a good cook and the meat she makes is very tender.

  A. delicious B. tasty C. soft and easy to eat D. salty

  5.   The fierce looking horse is in fact very tame and you can set your mind at ease when you  ride it.

  A. shy B. timid C. spirited D. obedient


  1. C

  accuse责备,控告;只有选项C charge与之相符,故答案为C。

  2. B

  选项Bcondense浓缩, 摘要, 缩短;选项Dcomprise包含,构成

  3. D

  sustain承受, 支持, 经受, 维持。选项Battain 达到,获得retain保持, 保留,记住;D support支撑。故答案为D。

  4. C

  tender未成熟的;salty 咸;tasty 好吃的。故答案为C。

  5. D

  tame驯服的,柔顺的,乏味的;timid驯服的,柔顺的,乏味的;spirited 精神饱满 的, 活 泼的, 英勇的;obedient 服从的,顺从的。故答案为D。

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