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在现代英语里,时常将关系副词how省略掉,或用that代替(不过,这个that也常省略不用。试看例句: ◇Is this the way you do it? (这是不是你做这件事的方法?)◇It depends on the way you start the work. (这要看你开始做这工作的方法而定。)
☆ New York chef Mario Batali is among those rethinking pizza, making it thinner, healthier, and more portable. One size does not fit all: look for designer shop, (1)you can choose from a wide variety of main and(2)dishes to take home and heat up yourself.
(1)[A]when [B]why [C]where [D]which
(2)[A]small [B]side [C]minor [D]secondary
☆ The survey of some 1,000 taxi drivers said that passengers had lost three times more handheld computers in the second half of 2004 than in 2001,(3)the research by security software company Pointsec was first(4). Most of the items were returned to their owners, cab drivers said. Four out of five mobile phones and 19 out of every 20 computers found their(5)back, they said.
(3)[A]which [B]where [C]when [D]what
(4)[A]carried out[B]worked out [C]found out [D]figured out
(5)[A]road [B]path [C]journey [D]way
[解析]这句话逗号后面的那部分是非限制性定语从句,从句中没有缺少的句子成分,因此空格里填的不可能是关系代词,立即排除which,逗号前的先行词是designer shop,即由著名设计师设计的熟食店,表示地点,所以选择[C]。
[解析]英语当中主菜与配菜的固定表达分别是main dish和side dish,所以答案是[B]。
(4)[答案][A]carried out
[解析]carry out是“实行,执行,进行”,work out是“想出,解决,理解”,find out是“找出,发现,查明(真相)”,figure out是“计算出,想出,理解”。四个选项中只有carry out能和从句里的主语research搭配,所以选[A]。
[解析]find one’s way是一个固定短语,意思是“设法到达,努力达到”,所以答案是[D]。这句话的意思是:“他们说,每5部手机中有4部,每20台电脑中有19台物归原主。”
5. 连接副词考点(1) 重点复习内容
连接副词(Conjunctive Adverbs)是考研英语完形和阅读理解复习中的必备利器,应该精读这一节的内容。所谓连接副词,即是具有副词作用的对等连接词的作用、连接两个独立的句子或从句的副词。如:however, nevertheless, nonetheless, yet, still, moreover, furthermore, besides, in addition, therefore, consequently, accordingly, hence, thus, so, then, otherwise, on the contrary, on the other hand, all the same, for example, for instance等。举例说明如下:
◇It was cold. Nonetheless, I went swimming.
◇It was raining; nevertheless, we went to the zoo.
◇It was hot. Therefore, we went swimming.
◇Last night’s typhoon damaged the power lines; consequently,the whole city was without electricity for several hours.
◇It’s too late to go home now. Moreover, it’s beginning to rain.
◇I’m too tired to go; furthermore, it is too late.
◇You’d better hurry; otherwise, you will be late.
(你最好赶快;否则,你会迟到。)(2) 常考的连接副词之比较说明
第1组moreover, furthermore, besides与in addition四者的含义相同,都作“此外,而且”讲。在非正式的场合也可用anyway, anyhow, in any case代替。如:
◇ I like to read that newspaper. The news is always reported accurately. Moreover (or Furthermore, Besides, In addition), it has interesting special features.
◇The bill cannot be paid as yet; besides, (or anyway, in any case), the work is not completed.
此句中as yet的含义是“到现在”,相当于“up to now”。
◇I did not like the house; in addition, it was too highpriced.
第2组however, nevertheless, nonetheless, yet与still的含义相似,都是作“可是,虽然”讲,相当于“but anyway/anyhow”,“(al) though, even though”。如:
◇She was very sad; however (or nevertheless, nonetheless, still), she smiled and pretended to be having a good time.
(=She was very sad, yet she still smiled and pretended to be having a good time.
=She was very sad, but she smiled and pretended to be having a good time anyway.)
◇We have to go on foot; still, we’ll get there.
(=Although [or Though] we have to go on foot, we’ll get there.
=Even though we have to go on foot, we’ll get there.)
第3组therefore, consequently, accordingly, hence与thus的含义大致相似,都相当于“so(所以,因此)”。如:
◇The weather was cold; therefore, we stayed home.
◇He told me the circumstances; accordingly, I acted.
◇My boss just approved the purchase order, hence let’s confirm a delivery date.
◇They found that the new plan was hard to carry out; thus they decided to go back to their original one.
◇ I love my job; then (or besides) it pays so well.
◇You broke the window, then (or therefore) you should pay for it.
◇He used to beat his wife when he was drunk; then, next morning, he told her how sorry he was.
第5组on the contrary与on the other hand的含义不同,不能互相代换。
On the contrary是用在“前面否定了他人所言,相反的,后面才是事实”的结构里,所以前面通常都是否定的句子或子句;on the other hand是用来表示“前面虽是事实,然而后面也是事实”。再者,on the contrary前后的主词是指同一对象,后者则不尽然。如:
◇They are not rich. On the contrary, they are poor.
◇Mary is rich. On the other hand, John is poor.
◇He is not fat, but on the contrary, he is thin.
◇Some people are fat, but on the other hand, others are thin.
◇Some people prefer to live in the country; on the other hand, others prefer to live in town.
◇It’s not a very nice apartment. On the other hand, it’s cheap.
◇The job wasn’t very interesting. But on the other hand, it was wellpaid.
第6组all the same与on the other hand的含义与用法都同,相当于“however”。如:
◇He’s not doing a very good job. All the same, you’ve got to admit that he’s doing his best.
◇He’s not very reliable, but all the same I like him.
(or He’s not very reliable, but I like him all the same.)
第7组 for example与for instance都可作“例如”讲,用法也大致相同。如:
◇There are many interesting places to visit in the city. For example (or For instance), the botanical garden has numerous displays of plants from all over the world.
◇There are many interesting places to visit in the city. The art museum, for instance (or for example), has an excellent collection of modern paintings.
◇There are many interesting places to visit in the city, for example, (or such as) the botanical garden and the art museum.
【复习题典】☆The National Academy of Sciences, which advises the U. S. government, has been studying the issue. In March it plans to present voluntary ethical guidelines for researchers. A chimera is a mixture of two or more(1)in one body. Not all are considered troubling,(2).
(1)[A]species [B]types [C]sorts [D]specimens
(2)[A]however [B]although [C]though [D]moreover☆An estimated 11,300 laptop computers, 31,400 handheld computers and 200,000 mobile telephones have been left in taxis around the world during the last six months, according to a survey. Taxi drivers in nine cities also said they had found a range of other items(3)by passengers, including a harp, 37 milk bottles and some artificial limbs. One driver said he(4)found a baby in his taxi.
(3)[A]claimed [B]found [C]left [D]declared
(4)[A]even [B]still [C]however [D]somehow
[解析] however(副词)常用于句子之间,前后用逗号隔开,although(连词)可用在句首和句中,但不能用于句末,moreover表示递进逻辑关系,用于句首和句中,不能用于句末。四个词中能放在句末的只有 though=nevertheless是连接副词,意为“可是 ,然而,不过”。
[考点]过去分词辨析,同时考核句型find sth. +补语(过去分词)。
[解析]claim是“认领,索取”,find是“找到,发现”,leave是“丢下,遗忘”,declare是“申报 (纳税品、房地产、收益等)”。从文章第一句话可以看出,主题是有关顾客遗忘在出租车上的物品,那么这里选[C]left。
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