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in conclusion  最后、总之

come to the point 说到要点

on the condition that 在…条件下

on the point of  即将…的时候

in connection with / to  关于

point out  指出

in consequence  因此、结果

to the point  切中要害、切题

in consequence of  由于…的缘故

bring / putinto practice  实施、实行

on the contrary  反之、正相反

in practice  在实践中、实际上

in contrast to  与…相反

out of practice 久不练习、荒疏

out of control  失去控制

at present  目前、现在

under control  被控制住

for the present 目前、暂时

at all costs  不惜任何代价、无论如何

prey on  捕食、杀害、折磨

at the cost of  以…代价

make progress  进步、进展

count on  依靠、指望、

in proportion to  成比例

count up  把…相加

in public  公开的、当众

in the course of  在…过程中、在…期间

pull down  拆毁、拉倒、降低

of course 当然、

pull off  脱帽衣等

cover up ?掩饰、掩盖

pull out  拔出、取出

cross out ?删去、取消

put away  放好、收好、储存

on cue  恰好在这个时候

put down  记下、放下、镇压、平定

take ones cue from  学…的样、听…的劝告

put forward 提出

cut across 走捷径、抄近路

put off  推迟、推延

cut back  削减、降低

put on  穿上、戴上、增加(体重)

cut down  削减、减少

put out  熄灭、消灭

cut in  插嘴、打断

put up  举起、升起、建造、搭起、张贴

cut out 删除

put up with 容忍、忍受

cut short 突然停止

in question  正在考虑

in danger 在危险中

at random  随机的、任意的

out of danger 脱离危险

at any rate 无论如何

out of date 过期

would ratherthan  宁愿

to date  到目前为止

rather than  而不是

in conclusion  最后、总之

come to the point 说到要点





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