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find out  查明

so far  迄今为止

catch fire  着火

so that  以便、为的是、结果是

set fire to  点燃

sothat  如此…以致

on fire  烧着

as soon as  一…就

at first  最初,首先

no soonerthan  一…就

first of all 首先

sooner or later  迟早、早晚

as follows  如下

speed up 加速

make a fool of  玩弄、愚弄

in spite of  不管、尽管

on foot  步行

on the spot 当场、在现场

in force  有效、实施中

at stake  在危险中

and so forth  等等

stand by  站在一边、袖手旁观

set free  释放

stand for  代表、意味着

make friends  交朋友

stand out  突出、显眼

be friends with 对…友好、

stand up  站起来

to and fro  来来回回

stand up for 为…辩护、维护

in front of  在…面前

sand up to  勇敢面对、坚持抵抗、经得起

make fun of  取笑,嘲弄

in step  同步、合拍

in the future  今后、将来

step by step  逐步

in general  通常、大体上

step up  提高、加快、加紧

get along with 进展、相处融洽

out of step 步调不一致、不协调

get away  逃脱、离开

step in  插入、介入

get down to 开始、着手

stick out  伸出、突出、坚持到底

get in  进入、收获、收集

stick to  坚持、忠于、信守

get into 进入、陷入

in stock  备有

get off  离开、动身、开始

in succession  连续地

get out of 逃避、改掉

such as 诸如、例如

get over  克服

suchthat  那样的…以致

get better of 占上风、胜过

all of a sudden  突然

get through  结束、完成

in sum  总而言之

get together  集合、聚集

sum up  总结、概括





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