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来源:考试吧 2007-6-29 10:17:23 考试吧:中国教育培训第一门户 模拟考场





Unit 44
Just over 20 years ago, IBM introduced the PC jr. Derided as awkward and underpowered, the PC jr. never caught on with kids or parents. But then again, IBM didn't have the Mouse behind it.
Backed by a posse of Mickey, Minnie, and Pluto, the Walt Disney Co. is looking to do what IBM never could: successfully market a computer system designed specifically for kids. The Disney Dream Desk PC ($600) and its complementary big-eared, 14.1-inch monitor ($300) are aimed at kids ranging from 6 to 12 years old. But even though the system is embellished with images of Mickey and software featuring Donald Duck and Goofy, the Dream Desk is more than a toy.
Using Microsoft Windows XP, the Disney system is based on an Intel Celeron D processor and comes with a 40-gigabyte hard drive plus a combination CD burner and DVD player--serious enough hardware to manage games or homework. As an added feature, there's a stylus that sits in a cradle built into the keyboard. The stylus is a more comfortable pointing device than a mouse for little hands, and it also lets children create their own digital sketches.
Teaching tool. On the software side, Disney has included a trio of creativity programs called Disney Flix, Pix, and Mix that lets kids create their own movies, add Disney characters to digital pictures, and compose music. For parents worried about the World Wild Web, Disney has included a ContentProtect program that prevents curious tykes from visiting sites you'd rather they not view. And if you suspect they are using the Net more for games than research, the program will even track your children's surfing and report back to you.
By and large, the Disney system succeeds with the Dream Desk. Design elements like the monitor's mouseketeer ears, which conceal speakers, certainly grabbed my 22-month-old daughter's attention. But while she may have enjoyed "playing with Mickey," parents may wonder if computers for kids are a help or hindrance when it comes to learning. "The danger is that people tend to replace actual human instruction with these computers," says Reid Lyon, chief of the Child Development and Behavior Branch of the National Institute of Child Health and Human Development at the National Institutes of Health. According to Lyon, computers are a fine tool to help kids learn--as long as there's parental participation.
Parents looking for educational titles on the Dream Desk will have to shop elsewhere. Furthermore, the total system price is about $150 more than comparably equipped plain-Jane PC s, and some elements of the Disney PC could be improved. Making the LCD monitor touch sensitive would be a nice addition for kids, as would a clear cover to protect the screen from sticky little fingers. In addition, some parents may bridle at the brazen commercialism of having a large orange button on the system's keyboard that takes kids directly to Disney's $9.95-a-month Toontown online game.
On the other hand, what parent hasn't succumbed to a son or daughter's desire for a SpongeBob toy, Spiderman lunchbox, or Dora backpack? And while this PC may have big ears, it's not just some Mickey Mouse computer.
注(1):本文选自U.S. News & World Report; 10/18/2004, p87-87, 2/3p, 1c;
注(2):本文习题命题模仿对象2004年真题Text 1(个别题目稍做调整);
1.       How can the Walt Disney Co. make a computer system popular with the kids?
[A]The images of the Walt Disney Co. are deeply rooted in kids’ heart.
[B]The Dream Desk is just like a super toy.
[C]The computer system is designed specifically for kids.
[D]Kids can use the computer system for games and doing homework.
2.       Which of the following is not the description of the Dream Desk?
[A]Learning and playing are perfectly combined in this computer system.
[B]The hardware is enough for the use of a kid.
[C]The software takes the kids’ needs and parents’ worry into consideration.
[D]The Dream Desk decorated with the image of Mickey catches the kids’ eyes.
3.       How can the parents take full advantage of the computer in the learning of their kids?
[A]Not allowing the kids to visit the inappropriate web sites.
[B]Using the computer to arouse kids’ interest in learning.
[C]Fully exploring the potential function of the computer.
[D]Working together with their kids.
4.       Which of the following is not true according to Paragraph 6?
[A]The Dream Desk does not have price advantage.
[B]The Dream Desk has been equipped with sensitive LCD monitor and a clear cover.
[C]Some parents have offensive feelings toward the orange button indicating commercialism.
[D]The computer system fails to cater for all the parents.
5.       What can we learn from the last paragraph?
[A]The big ears make this PC look like a big toy that many kids long for.
[B]Parents always try their best to satisfy their kids’ needs.
[C]Parents find it difficult to refuse to buy their kids such toys as Mickey Mouse computer.
[D]Mickey Mouse computer is a computer, rather than a toy.
deride [] vt. (及物动词) 嘲笑,愚弄,以轻蔑的态度说话或对待
awkward[] adj. (手脚)不灵巧的;不熟练的;(动作或表情)笨拙的; 难看的; 粗野的;不协调的;没有风度的;不好使用的; 使人感到麻烦的; 难应付的, 棘手的;困难的, 危险的
underpowered [] adj. 动力不足的,由动力不足的发动机驱动的
catch on vt. vi. 抓牢,理解;[口]投合人心, 受人欢迎,流行;变得风行
posse [] n. 武装队;一队(警察);(临时组织起来的)一群人;[口]乌合之众, 暴徒;可能性;潜在力
look to v. 期望;看似将要;许诺做
embellish [] vt. 美化;装饰;加细节;润色;
The door of the old church was embellished with decorations. 老教堂的门是用雕饰美化的。
trio .[] n. 三个(或人)一组,三件套
tyke (也作tike) [taik] n. 小孩子,尤指小男孩
by and large adv. 大体上, 基本上
succeed with vi. 在...上获得成功
hindrance [] n. 妨害, 障碍, 干扰, 延[停]滞;障碍物, 起妨碍作用的人[物];
comparable [] adj. 可相比(with); 比得上的(to);类似的;可供比较的,相对照的;相对等的
bridle [] at vi. 轻视,瞧不起
brazen [] adj. 声音响而刺耳的;厚颜无耻的
succumb [] vi. (常与to连用) (向强大力量或向强烈欲望)屈服,屈从;服从
1.Making the LCD monitor touch sensitive would be a nice addition for kids, as would a clear cover to protect the screen from sticky little fingers.
主体句式:Making … would be a nice addition for kids …
结构分析:现在分词结构“making the LCD monitor touch sensitive”做本句的主语;连词“as”的意思是“如同,正如”;动词短语“protect … from”的意思是“保护…使不遭受”。本句使用的是虚拟语气,“would be”暗示与现在事实相反。
2.On the other hand, what parent hasn't succumbed to a son or daughter's desire for a SpongeBob toy, Spiderman lunchbox, or Dora backpack?
主体句式:what parent hasn't succumbed to …desire …?
结构分析:“what”的意思是“what kind of ”,“succumb to”的意思是“(向强大力量或向强烈欲望)屈服,屈从;服从”。本句的意思是“All parents succumb to a son or daughter's desire for a SpongeBob toy, Spiderman lunchbox, or Dora backpack”。
2. 答案为A,属事实细节题。句子“But while she may have enjoyed "playing with Mickey," parents may wonder if computers for kids are a help or hindrance when it comes to learning.”表达了家长为孩子在电脑玩与学方面的担忧,暗示了电脑在玩与学方面并不是一个完美的结合。
3. 答案为D,属事实细节题。原文对应信息是“According to Lyon, computers are a fine tool to help kids learn--as long as there's parental participation.”。
4. 答案为B,属事实细节题。做对本题的关键是对句子“Making the LCD monitor touch sensitive would be a nice addition for kids, as would a clear cover to protect the screen from sticky little fingers.”的正确理解。这个句子使用的是虚拟语气,表示的是与现在事实相反的状况。这个句子是对前一句“some elements of the Disney PC could be improved.”的补充说明。选项A在文中对应的信息是“the total system price is about $150 more than comparably equipped plain-Jane PC s”;选项C对应的信息是“some parents may bridle at the brazen commercialism of having a large orange button on the system's keyboard that takes kids directly to Disney's $9.95-a-month Toontown online game.”,“bridle at”的意思是“轻视,瞧不起”;正因为有的父母瞧不起这种厚颜无耻的重商主义,选项D也是正确的。
5. 答案为C,属推理判断题。本题的关键是要理解句子“what parent hasn't succumbed to a son or daughter's desire for a SpongeBob toy, Spiderman lunchbox, or Dora backpack?”的含义。这句话的意思是“什么样的父母会不满足儿子或女儿想得到一件“海绵波波”玩具、一个蜘蛛侠餐盒或多拉背包的愿望呢?”,言外之意是父母都会满足孩子想要玩具的心愿。因为这种电脑配有“大耳朵”,所以它也是一个大玩具,而不只是一台米老鼠计算机了。这样,做父母的也就很难拒绝孩子想要一个大玩具计算机的愿望了。
迪斯尼公司的系统基本上在“梦想电脑”上获得了成功。像显示器上可以隐蔽说话者身份的“滑鼠”(mouseketeer)耳朵这样的设计元件肯定会吸引我22 个月大的女儿的注意力。但当她沉迷于“玩米老鼠”时,做父母的也许会问:电脑对孩子的学习到底是一种帮助呢还是一种阻碍因素?设在全国健康研究院的儿童健康和人类发展研究所儿童发展和行为研究分所所长里德•利昂说:“危险的情况是,人们倾向于用电脑替换真人指导。”据利昂说,只要父母亲参与孩子的电脑活动,电脑是帮助孩子学习的一种绝好工具。
在“梦想电脑”上寻找教育标题的父母必须到别处采购。再者,该系统的总价比有类似配置的普通Jane个人电脑大约贵150美元,而且迪斯尼个人电脑的有些元件还可以改进。对孩子而言,正如使用屏保可以保护屏幕不被小孩子粘乎乎的小手弄脏一样,把液晶显示器做得触摸起来很敏感或许是个很好的附加功能。还有,在系统键盘上装一个橙色大按钮对有些父母来说感觉真是厚颜无耻的重商主义(这个按钮可以使孩子们直接登陆到每月要花费9.95美元的 “Toontown”网络游戏),这正是他们所瞧不起的。
Unit 45
Five days before the opening move of Kasparov vs. the World, the chess champion sat in a fashionable Manhattan restaurant fighting off symptoms of a nasty head cold. Hunched over a cup of hot lemon juice and pinching his throat in pain, Garry Kasparov didn't look quite ready to rumble with the rest of the human race. Was this the world team's last, best hope at victory? Don't count on it. "There will," Kasparov says firmly, "be no mistakes in this game."
You'd better believe it. The tournament, which kicks off this Monday, pits the greatest living chess player in a single match against all comers on the Internet. Anybody who logs on (at www.zone.com) can vote on a variety of moves suggested by a panel of young grand masters. The most popular move is made; 24 hrs. later, Kasparov responds. And a few sniffles aren't likely to prevent the mighty Russian from beating amateur pawn pushers like you or me into a bloody pulp. "I don't expect us to win or anything," says Irina Krush, the 15-year-old U.S. women's chess champ and world-team coach, "but it'll be a fun game."
And a closely watched one too. Quite apart from being a timely test of war by committee (take note, NATO), it's Kasparov's first public confrontation with computer technology since his match with IBM's Deep Blue in 1997. Those games, billed as a historic confrontation between man and machine, ended with man's humiliating defeat (and petulant calls by Kasparov for IBM to hand over Deep Blue's printouts; two years later, they still refuse).
This time, however, man and machine will work in harmony--on both sides. Kasparov and many of his opponents will be consulting vast databases of past games and plotting computer-assisted strategies, a practice as common in chess now as using calculators to do long division. What's new here is the vast scale. In the long run, Kasparov vs. the World may tell us more about chess and human thought processes than Deep Blue ever could. "The result is irrelevant," says Kasparov, himself a part-time computer scientist and Internet addict. "It's a big experiment."
Indeed, you could say Kasparov is experimenting on us. The idea of playing a match in cyberspace was his, and the grand master has carefully controlled the setup from start to finish. He chose the game's host--Microsoft--for its software and marketing muscle. He insisted on up-and-coming chess prodigies to lead the world team--rather than more famous rivals like Anatoly Karpov or Nigel Short--so it wouldn't become a grudge match. And he set the 24-hr. gap between moves to ensure an antiseptic game, with none of the silly blunders you get in speed chess.
All well and good. But isn't there any way we lab rats can beat the chess scientist? Grand master Daniel King, who will do the commentary, thinks the sluggish time frame could actually work in our favor. Kasparov, he says, "thrives on pressure situations" and may play less aggressive chess at a leisurely pace. Let's hope so. Otherwise, we'll have to start rooting for the head cold.
注(1):本文选自Time; 06/28/99, p55, 2/3p, 2c;
1.       What is Kasparov’s attitude toward this match?
2.       Which of the following is not the description of this match?
[A]It is a confrontation between man and computer.
[B]It is a match between one and the rest of the world.
[C]The vast scale makes this match different from the former ones.
[D]This match involves long match hours.
3.       The expression “beating amateur pawn pushers like you or me into a bloody pulp”(Line
4, Paragraph 1) indicates that _____________.
[A]the amateurs have no intention to defeat Kasparov
[B]the amateurs have great confidence in themselves
[C]the amateurs can become mighty competitors
[D]the common participants can be easily defeated
4.       What is the author’s attitude toward Kasparov?
5.What is Kasparov’s weak point in this game?
[A]He has got a bad cold.
[B]He has too many rivals.
[C]Less pressure makes him inactive.
[D]The match hours are too long.
take on  同(对手)较量,对付
champ[]n.=champion 冠军
fight off  v.击退, 排斥, 竭力避免
symptom[]n.[医][植]症状, 征兆
head cold  n.伤风
hunch[]vi.向前移动, 隆起
pinch[] vt.掐, 夹痛, 修剪, 勒索, 使感缺乏, 使萎缩, 偷
rumble[]v.隆隆声, 辘辘行驶, 低沉地说;(主美)打群架
tournament[]n.比赛, 锦标赛, 联赛
kick off  v.踢脱(鞋等);开球,开始比赛
pit[pIt]vt.窖藏, 使凹下, 去...之核, 使留疤痕, 使竞争
log on  登录
Grand Master  n.(社会团体的)会长,主席, 高段棋手之尊号, 在任何方面有特殊成就者
sniffle[]n.抽鼻子;感冒,一种伴有鼻塞的状态,例如伤风,与 the一起使用
amateur[]n.业余爱好者, 业余艺术家
pawn[]n.典当, 抵押物, 人质, (象棋)兵、卒, 爪牙, 被人利用的人
pulp[]n.(水果的)果肉, 纸浆;beat (sb.) to a pulp 把某人打得遍体鳞伤, 打个半死
bill[bIl]vt.用海报宣传, 把...列成表, 给...开帐单
petulant[]adj.脾气坏的, 使性子的
long division  n. 长除法
in the long run  adv.最后,从长远的观点看来,终究,毕竟,结果
addict[]n.入迷的人, 有瘾的人
experiment on  v.对...进行实验
cyberspace  n.电脑空间
Microsoft  n微软公司:全球最大规模的电脑软件公司和最有价值的企业,微软涉足操作系统,应用软件,开发工具,多媒体及网络技术等许多领域
up-and-coming  adj.积极进取的,很有前途的,日见重要的
prodigy[]n.惊人的事物, 天才(特指神童), 奇观, 奇事
grudge match  n.旗鼓相当的比赛
well and good  adv.好(也好,满意)
time frame  时间帧,时间范围;[时框]
thrive[]v.兴旺, 繁荣, 茁壮成长, 旺盛
root for  v.支持, 赞助
1. Those games, billed as a historic confrontation between man and machine, ended with man's
humiliating defeat (and petulant calls by Kasparov for IBM to hand over Deep Blue's printouts; two years later, they still refuse).
主体句式:Those games …ended with man's … defeat
结构分析:本句是一个简单句。主语是“those games”;“billed as”之前省去了“which were”;谓语是“ended with”,意思是“以...结束”;“hand over”的意思是“移交”。
2. Kasparov and many of his opponents will be consulting vast databases of past games and
plotting computer-assisted strategies, a practice as common in chess now as using calculators to do long division.
主体句式:Kasparov and many of his opponents will be consulting …and plotting …
结构分析:本句是一个简单句。“consulting”和“plotting”都是谓语动词;“a practice”之前省去了“which is”; “as … as” 的意思是“如同… 一样”。
1.答案为C,属情感态度题。从“"There will," Kasparov says firmly, "be no mistakes in this game." ”我们可看出Kasparov对比赛是充满信心的。
2. 答案为A,属事实细节题。从“it's Kasparov's first public confrontation with computer technology”我们知道这是卡斯帕罗夫与电脑科技进行的首次公开对抗;从“This time, however, man and machine will work in harmony--on both sides.”我们知道在这次比赛中人和机器将协调工作。这场比赛是卡斯帕罗夫通过计算机与全世界其他人的对抗赛,而不像是1997年进行的卡斯帕罗夫同“深蓝”计算机的比赛。
3. 答案为D,属事实细节题。“beat (sb.) to a pulp”的意思是“把某人打得遍体鳞伤, 打个半死”,在文中的意思是“把你我这样的业余无名小卒打得落花流水”。
4. 答案为B,属情感态度题。从句子“And a few sniffles aren't likely to prevent the mighty Russian from beating amateur pawn pushers like you or me into a bloody pulp.”我们可看出作者对卡斯帕罗夫的态度。
5. 答案为C,属事实细节题。原文对应信息是“Kasparov, he says, "thrives on pressure situations" and may play less aggressive chess at a leisurely pace.”。
在卡斯帕罗夫同“世界队”开赛前五天,这位国际象棋冠军坐在曼哈顿一家时髦人物经常光顾的餐馆里,竭力摆脱烦人的伤风感冒症状。加里•卡斯帕罗夫弯着身坐在那儿,面前放着一杯热柠檬汁,咽喉疼痛难忍,他看起来还没做好迎战全人类的准备。这是否是世界队力图取得胜利的最后的、最大的希望呢?可别指望这个!“这场比赛绝对不会出现失误。” 卡斯帕罗夫坚决地说。
你最好还是相信他的话。这次比赛于本周一开赛。比赛把在世的实力最强的象棋选手与全世界互联网上的所有人放在一场比赛中对抗。任何人只要登录(网址www.zone.com),就可以对由年轻的高段棋手小组提供的各种各样的走法进行投票。他们下出了最为出名的一招棋。24小时后,卡斯帕罗夫做出了回应。因感冒抽抽鼻子是不可能阻止这位实力强大的俄罗斯人把你我这样的业余无名小卒打得落花流水的。“我并没有期望我们能赢或什么的,”这位15岁的美国女子国际象棋冠军兼世界队教练的伊利娜 •克鲁什说,“但这会是场有趣的比赛。”


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