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  The phenomenon of waste is now spreading throughout our country. As shown in the cartoon, a beer festival is being celebrated with the real beer overflowing the fountain, leading many to wonder whether the country has entered an unprecedented era of overall prosperity and whether such wasteful luxury is reasonable and worthwhile.

  Such wasteful behaviors are absolutely undesirable. They are completely incompatible with the tradition of frugality in our country, which has been the unfailing basis of sustained development of Chinese civilization for the past thousands of years. Chinese people have long cherished this glorious virtue and resent any of those wasteful habits, ceremonies, festivals or whatsoever. Besides, while our national economy is growing rapidly and many people are enjoying a quality of life unimaginable before, tens of millions of Chinese still live below the poverty line, not to mention the “financial crisis” that is sweeping across the world.

  We are building a frugal and harmonious society and this is indeed a necessity. Wasteful behavior will do a disservice to our efforts and hinder the realization of this goal. As a consequence, it’s high time for us to remove this bad habit.


  Uncivilized behaviors have always been a problem in our country, and littering is one of them. As vividly depicted in this cartoon, a father is throwing a plastic bottle to the dustbin while his son is imitating his dad, throwing an empty tin to the dustbin. Obviously, both the bottle and the tin will fall short of the dustbin, but two of them, regrettably, seem to have a lot fun of it.

  Littering may save one’s labor in finding the dustbin or walking a little further to the dustbin, but these bits of paper, plastic bags, wrappings, empty bottles and whatsoever scattered around are dirtying our streets, parks, mountains and beaches. It makes our daily life unpleasant and it scares the tourists away. Besides, as implied in the picture, this bad habit of adults may be picked up by the younger generation, thus messing up our living environment even further. It’s an ugly stain on the image of the neighborhood or city we live in.

  Personally, I would recommend heavy fines and a public education campaign to curb this misbehavior so that the public may enjoy their life in a clean and pleasant environment.

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