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  There have been all sorts of rumors going around in every corner of our society. As illustrated in this picture, a man is telling the passers-by that an earthquake is coming and hurries them to buy more food and salt. And most probably, the two listeners will pass on the hearsay to others.

  Rumors are harmful. They may destroy the closeness of family members, the harmonious relationship of colleagues or neighbors, and thus disturbing the social stability. We have all witnessed the disruption of a happy family or the separation of close friends caused by some idle gossip. Worse still, thanks to the ever-expanding reach of the Internet and the vast growth of mobile phone users, some individuals spread vicious messages faster and more efficiently than ever before. Rumors like “faulty products”, “poisoned vegetables and fruits”, “short supply of rice”, “earthquakes” and “plagues” have been invented over the years. Although all of them have been proved wrong, the damage to the social stability and economic development has been done.

  It is time for our government to set up laws to punish severely those who invent or spread the rumors. Meanwhile, the public should enhance their awareness of harms brought by rumors. Only in this way can we expect to live in a harmonious society and to develop our national economy smoothly.


  The year of 2008 saw China make several great achievements in various fields, which is a testimony to the nation's improving comprehensive national strength, the chief of Macao said at a reception held here on Wednesday to celebrate the 59th anniversary of the People's Republic of China (PRC).

  Attracting worldwide attention, the Chinese mainland successfully held the Beijing Olympics and the Paralympics in the past two months, while taking great steps in its space exploration history by accomplishing the Shenzhou VII mission that saw the first spacewalk by a Chinese astronaut, Ho Hau Wah, chief executive of the Special Administration Region (SAR), said when addressing over 1,000 officials and luminaries at the cocktail party.

  He also pointed out that China showed profound and strong vigor and demonstrated its national spirit, when the whole nation mustered up its concerted effort to brave the challenge of massive snowstorms that swept several provinces and the powerful earthquake occurred in the Sichuan province that led to a large number of deaths.

  The party was part of the annual events held on China's National Day every year. The chief executive officiated a flag-raising ceremony at the city's Lotus Flower Square early Wednesday morning, and later met more than 40 young people from the quake-hit Sichuan province, who assisted the rescue of victims in the disaster area.

  Since this year will also witness the 30th anniversary of China' s reform and opening-up, Ho noted that after undergoing numerous challenges and overcoming various difficulties in the past three decades, the nation entered a new era of its development. "Being a Chinese, we all take great pride in it," he said.

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