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  ① 篇幅一般比开头段和结尾段长。

  ② 每段有相应的主题句。




  1.Although the popular belief is that…, a current (new / recent) study (survey / poll / investigation) indicates (shows / demonstrates) that…。

  2.Common sense tells us that…。

  3.The increase (change / failure / success) in…mainly (largely / partly) results from (arises from / is because of)…。

  4.The increase (change / failure / success) in…is due to (owing to / attributable to) the fact that…。

  5.Many people would claim that…。

  6.One may attribute (ascribe / owe) the increase (decrease / change ) to…, but…is not by itself an adequate explanation。

  7.One of the reasons given for…is that…。

  8.What is also worth noticing is that…。

  9.There are many (different / several /a number of / a variety of)causes (reasons) for this dramatic (marked / significant) growth (change / decline / increase) in…. First,…. Second,…. Finally,…。

  10.There is no evidence to suggest that…。

  11.Why are (is / do / did)…? For one thing,…. For another,…。

  12.Another reason why I dispute the above statement is that…。

  13.It gives rise to (lead to / bring /create) a host of problems (consequences)。

  14.There are numerous reasons why…, and I shall here explore only a few of the most important ones。

  15.It will exert (have / produce) profound (far-reaching / remarkable / considerable / beneficial / favorable / undesirable / disastrous) effect (influence) on…。

  16.A multitude of factors could account for (contribute to / lead to / result in / influence) the change (increase / decrease / success / failure / development) in…。

  17.In 2000, it increased (rose / jumped / shot up) from 5 to 10 percent of the total (to 15 percent / by 15 percent)。

  18.By comparison with 2002, it decreased (dropped / fell) from 10 to 5 percent (to 15 percent / by 15 percent)。

  19.It accounts for 15 percent of the total。

  20.There were 100 traffic accidents in April, an increase of 5 percent in a five-month period。

  21.By 2002, only (less than / more than / almost / about / over/ as many as) three quarters (40 percent of / one out of five / one in four) college population (graduates / housewives) as against (as compared with) last year (2002) preferred to (liked)…。

  22.With the development (improvement / rise / growth / general recognition / acknowledgement / realization) of…, vast changes awaits this country’s society。

  23.Now people in growing (ever-increasing / significant) numbers are beginning (coming / getting) to believe (realize / recognize / understand / accept / see / be aware) that…。

  24.According to a(n) recent (new / official) study (survey / report / poll),…。

  25.History (Our society) is filled (abounds) with the examples of…。

  26.The story (case / instance / situation) is not rare (isolated / unique), it is one of many examples (typical of dozens)。

  27.A (one) recent (new / general / nationwide) study (survey / poll / investigation) conducted (taken) at a university by (officials / scientists / experts) indicates (reveals / suggests / shows / proves / demonstrates) that…。

  28.According to (As can be seen in / As is shown in) the figures (statistics / findings / data / graph / table) released (provided) by the government (an institute), it can be learned (seen / predicted) that…。

  29.There is (no) good (every / little / sufficient / considerable / strong) evidence (proof) to

  30.Personal experience (Examples I heard / read of) leads me to conclude that…。

  31.We must admit the undeniable fact that…。

  32.No one can deny (ignore / doubt / overlook / obscure / brush aside) the fact that…。

  33.Experience (Evidence) suggests (shows) that…。

  34.Take for example…who (that)…。

  35.The same is true of…。

  36.As the saying goes,“…。”

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