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来源:迦思佑 2009-9-27 16:36:03 考试吧:中国教育培训第一门户 模拟考场


  (2) The Taoist Doctrine of the Way (tao) could provide significant resources of thinking to prevent "the clash of civilizations".

  If Confucius is a "man of virtue" (仁者), then Lao-zi is a "man of wisdom" (智者). The Way is the basic concept in Lao-zi's Tao Te Ching, while "the spontaneity and doing-nothing" (自然无为: to obey natural laws without offences) is the basic feature of the Way. "The spontaneity and doing-nothing is the Way of Heaven," said Wang Chong in his Lun Heng.[37] All kinds of conflicts in contemporary human society are undoubtedly caused by the greedy desires for power and wealth. Those great powers, in their pursuit of selfish gains and expansions of power, exploit the resources of undeveloped countries and practice a politics of great powers, which is the fundamental cause of global chaos. Lao-zi's doctrine of "spontaneity and doing-nothing" could be interpreted as to do nothing against people's will, which will render the society and the world peace. Lao-zi once quoted the saying of an ancient sage: "As I do nothing, the people will reform by themselves; since I like quiet, they will keep order by themselves; when I seek no trouble, the people will prosper by themselves; when I have no desire, they will live in austerity by themselves."[38] It means: the ruler with political powers should neither interfere his people (doing-nothing), nor disturb their everyday life (liking quiet), nor act against their will (seeking no trouble), nor exploit them insatiably (having no desire); thus, the people will reform by themselves, keep order by themselves, prosper by themselves, and live in austerity by themselves. If we give a modern interpretation to this teaching and renew it in contemporary world, it would not only render peace to a country but function significantly in eliminating the clash of civilizations. It could be interpreted as: in international politics, the more a country interferes another, the more chaotic the world will be; the more those great powers threaten others with military might, the more turbulent and disorderly the world will be; the more those great powers exploit the undeveloped countries under the pretext of international aids, the poorer those undeveloped countries will be; the more those developed countries desire and fight for the world dominance of wealth and power, the more immoral and terrorized the world will be. So I think, maybe the doctrine of "doing-nothing" is a medicine prescription for the leaders of the so-called "new empires". If they would accept this prescription, the world will have peace. However, the "new empires" always treat other states and nations with means of "doingness" (有为), such as interference, exploitation or military threat, which is undoubtedly determined by its greedy desires in the nature of all empires. According to Lao-zi, "No calamity's worse than to be discontented. Nor is there a sin more dreadful than coveting. He who knows to be contented, truly he'll always be so."[39] Aren't the "new empires" discontented and coveting? Lao-zi said again: "Is not the Way of Heaven much like a bow bent? The upper part has been disturbed, pressed down; the lower part is raised up from its place; the slack is taken up; the slender width is broader drawn. For thus the Way of Heaven cuts people down when they have had too much, and fills the bowls of those who are in want. But not the way of man will work like this: the people who have not enough are spoiled, for tribute to the rich and surfeited."[40] Why is human society in a state of turbulence and disorder now? Isn't it totally caused by human being themselves, especially those leaders of "new empires" acting against the Way of Heaven and losing the hearts of men, practicing a policy of spoiling those who have not enough for tribute to the rich and surfeited? Isn't it the root of disaccords, conflicts and wars in contemporary world? Thus we find that the "clash of civilizations" theory is closely related with the theory of "new empire" hiding in its back.

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