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  come的用法:come(came come)的用法

  come back (1)


  eg:Looking at the picture,her smile comes back into my mind.

  eg:The doctor said that your hand would come back soon.

  come close to (2)

  eg:Come close to each other so that I can get you all in the picture.

  eg:The planet Venus is the only other object in the solar system that even comes close to earth's size.

  come into existence (3)

  eg:He also conceived that the solar system and the universe had come into existence by a natural process and would disappear one day.

  come into use (4)

  eg:Dozens of artificial organs will come into use between now and 2040.

  come on (5)

  eg:Come on!Let's race to the next cross road.

  eg:The rain is about to come on,so let's go home quickly.

  eg:How's your company coming on?

  eg:The new film of the famous director is coming on next month.

  come out (6)

  eg:Her article on western formalities came out in the magazine.

  eg:The stars came out as soon as it got dark.

  eg:Thomas came out first in the final exam.

  come round/around (7)

  eg:Carol comes round to my flat now and then.

  eg:After the timely operation ,he came round at last.

  come through (8)

  eg:Myra came through the famine in her village.

  come to (9)

  eg:Things have come to such a state in the company that he's thinking of resigning.

  eg:When I came to my senses,I found myself wrapped up in bed in my little room.

  come to the point (10)

  eg:Gary wants me to come to the point.

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       2010 年教育部考试中心考研英语模拟题分类汇编