Topic 7:大学生就业选择,国企与民营
The two pie charts given above reflect the changes of employment of university graduates. From 1992 to 2002, the proportion of graduates going to graduate school and joit-venture remained unchanged at 25%. The proportion of graduates who intended to join state-owned firms increased markedly from 50% to 20%. However,the percentage of graduates with intention of entering private firm increased dramatically from 20% to 50%.
We learn from the pie charts that more graduates tend to choose private firms while less of them would like to work for state-owned firms after graduation. What might account for this phenomenon? Possible reasons can be listed as follows: for one thing, quite a few graduates have come to realize that, compared with state-owned firms, private firms can provide them with higher salaries. Moreover, private firms are famous for scientifc management and fair competition, they can enjoy more experience and opportunities. Last but not least, some graduates hold that private firms surpass state-owned firms in working conditions, career promotion and interpersonal relationships.
Graduates do have rights to choose their ideal firms. However, they should also bear in mind that what kind of firms will not determine how successful they will be. It is their abilities, attitudes and diligence that determine how far they can go. (211words)
Topic 8:电子书与纸质书
注:网络、科技类的文章,在英语(二)写作考察中,一片蓝海!一片处女地!一篇也民营考察;要知道,四六级,以及英语(一)可对此话题兴趣盎然啊!所以特选录了此篇。当然,考生是否也可以准备另外一个同类话题:在线教育(online education)。2013年整年,除了"小伙伴"、"土豪"等火了之外,在线教育可也是热门话题啊。除此外,什么"自媒体"、"微营销"啊也都火的一塌糊涂!
The bar chart given above reflects that the number of readers choosing paper book or electronic books experienced some changes during the past four years. The number of paper book readers decreased slowly from 10 million in 2010 to 8 million in 2013. However, during the same period, the number of electronic book readers increased steadily from 8 millionto 12 million.
We learn from the bar chart that people in mounting numbers would like to choose electronic books while less people like paper books. What might account for this phenomenon? Reasons can be listed as follows: for one thing, with the widespread availability of electronic devices such as smartphones,tablet PC and Electronic Reader,it is much easier for electronic books to be applied and popularized among the masses. Secondly, compared with paper books, electronic books are characterized by convenience in terms of carrying and saving spaces. Furthermore, the costs of purchasing and downloading electronic books are lower that of paper books, which enables readers to save a great deal of money. Last but not least, electronic books sometimes stand for high fashion and efficiency.
Whether electronic books will totally replace paper books one day still seems to be uncertain. However, no matterwhat kind of books will vanish, the habit of reading books should not beeliminated. (218 words)
Topic 9:城里的月光,初婚年龄持续走高!
From the bar chart given above, we can oberve that the average age of first marriagein a big city in China experienced some changes during the past several years. It increased rapidly form 22.66 years old in 1980 to 27.02 years old in 2000.
We learn from the bar chart that more and more people are older when they get married. Many reasons can account for this phenomenon, and the followings might be the most critical ones: for one thing, it is universally acknowledged that marriage means promise and obligation,sometimes it can even be a heavy burden. However, people today prefer freedom and enjoyment, they wish they could have more time to enjoy life and explore the beauties in life, getting married at an older age seems to be a good way to avoid responsibility and restriction. Moreover, with the pace of modern life quickening, people are under enormous pressures and the cost of marriage are becoming higher. Some intend to get married, but, stereotypically speaking, how could they do it without house, car, a stable profession and salary?
The change of the average age of first marriage indicates the change in the mode of modern life and social structure. However, no matter how old people are when they get married, they should always bear in mind that marriage means responsibility, tolerance and devotion. (210words)
我们从这幅柱状图得知,越来越多的人结婚的年纪变晚了。很多理由可以解释这个现象,以下这些也许是最为重要的。首先,结婚意味着承诺和责任,甚至是沉重的负担,而现在的年轻人更加崇尚自由和享乐的生活,他们希望在结婚之前,有更多的时间轻松地享受生活和探索生活中的美好的事物, 晚婚似乎是一个不错的逃避责任和束缚的好办法。其次,随着现代生活节奏的加快,人们的压力越来越大,结婚的成本也越来越高. 很多年轻人想结婚,但是从世俗的观点来看,一成年人如果没有车子、房子、稳定的工作和收入,怎么结得了婚呢?
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